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Allah made us.

Allah made everything.

Once upon a time, a Maulana was passing by an old woman who was working on her spinning wheel. This Moulana thought this old lady's whole life must have gone behind the spinning wheel what will her thought about Allah be?

So he greeted " Assalamualaikum"

She replied "Walaikumassalaam son"

Maulana: " Amma, what are your beliefs about Allah?"

Old lady " Allah is one and one and no one is his partner"

Maulana: Have you read any book or have you heard any bayan".

Lady: "My whole life has gone behind this spinning wheel. I have learnt this belief from this sinning wheel".

Maulana: " How's that?"

Lady: see if and only if I turn this spinning wheel it turns, otherwise it will not turn. The sun the Moon the stars, the earth and all the other creations are moving because its creator is moving them.

This creator is Allah.

Maulana: " But how do you know that Allah is one and not two or three?"

Lady: " Son, if I sit in front of this spinning wheel and another lady also sits in front of me and if I move this wheel and she also tries to move this wheel what will happen as a result? This wheel will break. So if there are 2 or more creators, both or all will fight and all creation will break. One will say I want it this way and others will say I want it this way. So from this, I know that there is only one Allah".

From this story we Learnt:

1. Allah is one and he has no partners

2. We should look around the creations and we will definitely reach towards our creator.

Think: From one land and One water Allah made different types of fruits, vegetables, grains etc.

Today I had a chapati for dinner. Did I think about how this chappati travelled from miles and miles from people to people, just to come to my plate?

Think: first the farmer sowed the wheat seeds in the farmland, that was his work. Then Allah sent angels to look after the seeds. Allah sent the Sun, the moon, the rains to grow the seeds. The farmer only sowed the seed inside the ground and Allah does the rest of the work. If all the Scientists are told, "You make the cover of the wheat grain." They will not be able to do so. As Allah is the creator & we are his creations. So we cannot create anything, not even a cover of wheat grain or even the nail Which we cut and throw in the bin. Then this wheat grain will be removed from the farm by a set of people and another set of people will transport them to the Mills. Here the cover will be removed from the wheat and it will be polished by a different set of people. Then again grades will be fixed. This wheat will go to the wholesalers in trucks, from there to the

Retailers and then to the common man who will turn it into food.

Then the mother of the house or the cook will cook it into a chapati.

Think: To come to my plate, this chapatti travelled a lot, and Allah did this all. I did not do anything. So before eating anything I will always say "Bismillah". Then when I finish my food I will say "Alhamdulillah"& will eat my food as per Allah's hukm &Mohammad (S.A.W) Sunnat.

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