Dazzling | Leona x Reader (Fairy Gala Event)

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Flowers and lights dazzled upon your head. Chains of vibrant flowers welcomed you to the wonderfully decorated botanical garden as you stepped inside the lush greenhouse

A swift cold air swept before your face, gently swishing past your (h/c) strands. You clutched the silk fabric of your dress, the gold scarf and cloak gleamed in the light, adding an extraordinary effect to your charm.

Bright lanterns hanging from the gossamer drapes caught your attention, almost making the memory of coming to the fairy event slip out of your mind.

Not being able to stop examining, you took notes of fairies around you. Chatters filled the place; some were gossiping with other fellow fairies, some adding sparkles and more decorations to the garden, and some were talking to the queen; they were most likely to be her guards.

"What are you waiting for, herbivore?!" A gruff voice bellowed from behind, making you snap out of your daydreaming daze, "Move on!"

"Keep it down, Leona! You will alert the other fairies!" A weary voice snapped.

You gave an annoyed groan before stepping out of their way. Soon, they hustled inside, not before arguing about Leona shoving past all of them.

"Leona-san, you will wrinkle my expensive dress!" A short, blonde boy shouted, brushing off the imaginary dust off his shiny, silver decorated outfit. 

"I don't care about your pathetic dress, Ruggie," Leona replied, "I can buy you better ones than that!"

"But you won't, will ya?" Stepping forward to Leona, Ruggie gritted his teeth at him.

"Cut off the crap!" You shouted.

A dreadful silence came down between you. Even some passing fairies stopped to witness the drama going between your team.

"Can we stop fighting and at least stop this... Stupid weather change?!" An eye of yours twitched in anger, a dark aura began to surround you, black smoke started to swell you up --- which caught attention of many --- now frightened --- fairies.

"Woah there, (Y/n)! Calm down, we aren't ready for another berserk of a student! Especially at a place like this!" Kalim said as he ushered you inside from the entrance.

An embarrassment took you over as you may have overheard some murmurs of fairies, spreading rumours about you.

That didn't stop you from taking a glance at Leona, who was fixing his braids, occasionally shooting a glare at peeping fairies who soon scurried away. But his rotten behaviour wasn't enough to make you despise him, his beauty was all you wanted and needed.

"So, Leona, Kalim and Jamil-san will create a distraction," Ruggie started to recall the plan to the group, "(Y/n) and I will sneak up to the Fairy Queen and snatch the tiara, then we scram from here!"

"Coming in NRC was the worst decision anyways," Leona started, "I swear, if I could kill that irresponsible bastard, I'd-"

"Oh, look! The event is starting!" Kalim shouted in euphoria, pointing at the dais, where many fairies were surrounding it and cheering happily.

Your team hurried to the back stage, waiting for the fairy to announce your turn.

"Now, it's time for..." a fairy announced, taking a card from an envelope as she read, "my servants and I?"

A silence fell amognst the crowd. All of you looked at Leona, who gave a confused look, "what? I had no other ideas for a name, okay?"

"Yeah, screw it, let's do this!" You shouted, shoving the reluctant Leona to the front row as Kalim dragged Jamil as he shouted,

"That's the spirit, (Y/n)!"

A grimace came to your face before you could strut away from the stage, a firm grasp made you mutter, "What the hell?" as you were dragged back to the spotlight, where stood a grinning  Leona.

Resisting yourself from snarling at the proud lion, you grinned, strutting forward as Jamil and Kalim took the lead.

A loud cheer was heard from the crowd as difficult break dance choreographies were done by both of the Scarabia students.

"Tch, I can do better than that," muttered Leona before shoving both of them out of his way.

"Hey!" Kalim shouted, "What are you doing?!"

"Leona will make our plan fail..." Jamil added, "That's what I'm feeling."

Ignoring them, Leona kept going forward, swayed one of his braids as he smirked. The costly silk fabric of his gold and white cloak swished in the air as a small turn was performed by him.

His effort now was nothing compared to the way he did during the practice. You let out a small sigh --- not noticing you had been holding your breath for long --- as the fact of more fairies coming to watch your performance came to your notice.

"We are doing it, (Y/n)," Kalim tried his best to whisper quietly to you, but his excitementseemed to fail him as he danced to the rhythms, shouting with contentment. 

"I still cannot fathom this is working," Jamil whispered in his smooth voice, which mostly sounded like a soft hiss from a snake, "we are catching the queen's attention." 

A proud grin seemed to appear on your tired, flushed face. No sooner had you noticed you all were at the end of the stage, a harsh seize made you yelp. Soon, you were met with Leona, a proud smirk was displayed on his face as he enjoyed the pathetic expression on your face. The only thing that resisted you from falling was his arm embracing your waist.

Your lips were met with his as deafening cheers and claps were heard from the fairies while both of you shared a kiss, which seemed quite passionate. 

As you were succumbed into the moment you were having, obviously Ruggie was watching with a surprised face as this was one hell of a scene he never thought he would ever see.

"This ended up being too good..." he muttered before a shrugging and turning on his heels as to steal the crown, but not before a smirk began to curve on his lips as a thought came to him,

"I'll make sure to steal the precious prefect."


✎ Request by zombienitro02

This was unexpected, wasn't it? I'm not even content with it... Make sure to give a feedback!

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