The Trip

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"This trip is going to be awesome I can just feel it," Seth remarked, drinking orange juice out of the jug.

"Well, as long as there's no illegal activity we're good." Sandy warned, glaring at Seth.

"Come on, Dad," Seth rolled his eyes. "everyone will be having fun while I'll be having a meeting about this comic book." It was true after a publication deal that Seth got because of Zach, he had been looking forward to this day. The day where his life was changed forever.

"I'm really proud of you, son." Sandy revealed, resting a hand on Seth's shoulder, glancing over.

Serh smiled proudly, looking over at Ryan. "So Ryan," he declared. "you think something's gonna happen between you and Marissa? I heard about what happened during that day."

Ryan poured coffee over his cup, then turned around. "Nothing happened. Besides, she's seeing that guy and they seem really happy together," he took a sip of his coffee.

"Oh come on, Ryan. Don't you ever hear what they say about what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Seth trailed, winking as if convincing Ryan.

Ryan walked over to Seth, slapping the guy on the back. "Do you want to face the agents with a black eye?" he taunted.

"Well, don't blame me if something happens."

Seth walked away just before Ryan was about to add another threat. He rolled his eyes and continued on finishing his cup before getting ready. In the shower, he mulled over what Seth said and thought about the possibility of he and Marissa trying things out all over again. But, he dismissed the thought as soon as another flashback of her almost dying in his arms came in his mind.

No, he couldn't do that to her again.

Eceryone surrounded the car already; Ryan saw Marissa and Nate approaching, he turned away by putting luggage onto the trunk. He overheard her talking to Summer though as they were chattering loudly, as if having no intention to keep it under wraps.

"So, Coop. Bringing your new boyfriend for our annual trip, it must have been serious," Summer began.

Marissa shrugged. "We are having fun, but not really."

"Is Marissa Cooper turning into me a couple of years ago before I met Cohen?" Summer joked, her eyes lit up. "cause damn Coop, I'm so proud!"

Chuckling, Marissa shook her head. "Hardly. But after everything, I kind of want to enjoy something fun. Something simple," She added.

Something fun, something simple... The words rang in Ryan's ears like siren, as a frown tugged at his lips.

Ryan decided to brush past Marissa's shoulders, chipping in. "Alright, come on in, we don't want to let Seth be late for his meeting now do we."

All of them agreed and got into the car with Seth driving, as Marissa was squeezed in between Ryan and Nate. Talk about awkward. The music was chosen by her and Seth's playlist, in which they both agreed on their superior taste in music.

Oh and also books.

Summer had grown to accept their liking, because she realized that the more she complained, the less Seth was going to care, especially about that.

They pulled up into a skyscraper-like building hours later, searching for an empty spot in the parking lot before Seth turned around to face the others.

"Alright, so I'm going to be in this building for long probably, you guys are free to roam around. Oh and Summer?" He turned to the girl in the passenger's side, as if begging for her to come with him.

Summer rolled her eyes. "Of course I'll come with. What, you think I'd want to be involved in soon-to-be love triangle over there?" She scoffed and turned at the people behind her.

"Hey! There's not going to be a love triangle of some sort," Marissa barked.

"Whatever you say, Coop." Summer fired back.

Marissa sighed, bending over to reach a hand out to open the door. Ryan glanced at her as she was practically leaning over him. "You know I can just open it for you, right?" He said.

"Shut up," Marissa said, scooting him over slightly to get him out of the car. He did eventually as she caught up to his side, Nate rounded the car to be next to her.

"Alright, so what's our destination next?" Marissa asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Ryan shrugged. "Anyone feeling hungry?" He threw in another question instead.

"Why, are you?" Marissa glanced at Ryan. She didn't need him to answer because his face gave it away. "Fine, we'll eat first. Oh look, a pizza place!" She pointed over a building possibly about five or six blocks away.

The three of them strolled down the sidewalk to get to the pizza place. Ryan decided to line up and order for the group, also because he didn't want to interrupt the seemingly happy couple who hadn't stop clinging onto each other since the walk to the restaurant.

Soon, the food was delivered and all of them ate in silence. Ryan glanced up every now and then only to see Marissa and Nate feeding each other. He choked on his food accidentally, earning himself a look from Marissa.

"Ryan, you okay?" Marissa glanced at him, concerned was written all over her face.

"Yeah, yeah," Ryan waved his hands in front of her, taking a sip from his drink. "so where should we go after this?"

"I saw that there is a band playing but that's still tonight," Marissa revealed.

"Oh yeah? Should we go?" Ryan said.

"Definitely, think you're going to like the band." Marissa added.

"What should we do until then?" Nate chimed in.

"Arcade game? I mean it's Vegas after all," Marissa suggested.

"Alright, off we go, then." Ryan said, taking one last sip and pulling Marissa away from the seat, not even noticing that she was still holding a piece of pizza in her hand and chewing along the way. Nate followed suit, as he paid the rest of the meal, shoving his hands in his pocket.

They decided to go to the hotel that they were supposed to stay at, texting Seth and Summer beforehand, telling them to not wait for them and just go straight to the hotel once the business was over with.

"We call bet!" Marissa shouted over to one of tbe dealers, watching over as they rolled the dice.

She cheered and leapt into Ryan's as they won this round. They kept betting each round, while taking glass of champagne being carried around by the servers, taking a sip every now and then. Marissa thought over getting drunk, but she was well aware of the term whatever stays in Vegas, stays in Vegas. As they were a little tipsy, Marissa glanced at Ryan.

"Wait, what time is it?"

Ryan looked over his watch. "Oh no, concert's starting soon," He answered.

"Well, come on then." Marissa shoved Ryan away, out of the arcade area. Without even realizing that they might have forgotten another person who was with them earlier, but they were too intoxicated to remember as they stumbled on each other while walking down the lobby. 

"You know what," Marissa stammered her words. "I'm too tired to walk over there right now."

Ryan turned his head, "what are you trying to say?" He asked.

"Let's see our room."


Author's Note: I KNOW! Cliche but oh well. You'll probably see what's coming next..... or  not.

Season 4 Rewrite (Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu