The Denial

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"Ugh, Coop, you should've gone shopping with me. The sale was huge!" Summer exclaimed, dropping shopping bags on the floor as she took a seat on the bed next to Marissa. 

Marissa looked up from the magazine that she was reading, groaning. "Oh, it is? Wish I could've gone too, but I didn't really feel so well. Actually, I still don't." She replied, flipping through the pages. 

Summer rose from the bed, looking over her reflection in the mirror. "What's up with that, anyway? This has nothing to do with the fact that you were in the bathroom so late last night, right?" She asked, turning around to face Marissa. 

"What? No, wait, how do you know about that?" Marissa furrowed, sitting upright. 

"Please, you do realize that our rooms are only separated by the bathroom, right?" Summer scowled. "Anyway, you're not like falling into anorexia again, are you? I mean, did you even eat today?" She asked. 

Marissa shifted uncomfortably, leaning on the pillow looking over the magazine. "No, of course not. I've just been really tired, that's all. Work has been tougher than usual," She said. 

"Well, Coop, hope you're not tired later cause we're going to the movies with the guys." Summer sat back down on the bed, slapping Marissa's leg. 

Marissa forced a thin-lipped smile, avoiding Summer's gaze still. "That sounds fun, I'm just going to take a shower." She said, throwing the magazine on the bed as she walked into the bathroom. 

Summer watched Marissa disappearing into the bathroom, sighing aloud. She knew her friend for way too long to know that something must have been wrong. However, that also meant that she knew how Marissa got whenever the girl had something up her sleeves. Unless she ripped it off of her, the girl wouldn't even budge telling anything. 

Summer's phone buzzed on the drawer, as she reached out for it to pick it up. "Hey, Ryan and I are about to drive to your house, are you guys ready?" The person on other other end spoke. 

"Yeah, I'm ready. But Cohen, I don't think Marissa's going to be up for it right now," Summer said. 

"Why, is she still sick?" Seth asked. 

"Well, she said that she isn't, but I know she's lying," Summer replied.

"Oh no that can't be good," Seth commented. "well, what are we going to do now? Are we still welcome over there?" 

"Yeah, yeah, of course you are, Cohen," Summer said, standing up from the bed to look around the room. She remained silent for a moment, walking out of the room to Marissa's room. She went to open and check every drawers, but found nothing. Looking over on the bed as clothes were sprawled everywhere, she walked over and put away some, that's when she saw the package. She scanned over it and muttered something under her breath. 

"Summer? You're still there?" 

Summer took the package away back to its place alongside the clothes. She didn't want Marissa to find out that she was snooping. "Um yeah yeah, I'm right here, Cohen. Just come here, it's fine." She said, then hung up the phone before walking out to go back to her room, thinking over the new discovery that might or might have not been true. 

 "So, are we all ready to go?" Marissa said, fixing up her hair as her body was still in robe. 

"Um, are you sure you want to go, Coop? I mean, it's going to be really late when we get back, you know..." Summer pointed out, biting her lip. 

Marissa turned around from the mirror to face Summer. A sly grin tugged at her lips. "Now who's not in the mood to go out?" She remarked. 

Summer looked down on the floor, playing with the tip of her shirt. "I don't know, maybe we should just watch a movie here. I mean, I have a TV and also the new season of The Valley," She stated. 

Marissa glanced at Summer weirdly, walking over to the bed. "What's going on, Sum? This was your idea," She reminded. 

"I don't know, Coop, do you have something you want to tell me?" Summer looked up at Marissa, waiting. 

Marissa frowned, putting strands of hair behind her ear. "You found it, didn't you?" She concluded. 

"If by that you mean a pregnancy test, yes I found it! So what, are you pregnant?" Summer asked. 

"Not too loud, okay? I haven't even used it yet," Marissa revealed. 

"Wait, you mean you haven't taken the test? Coop, you have to take it, I mean, if it's really why you've been going to the bathroom frequently, think it's worth the shot." Summer suggested. 

Marissa sighed, walking away from the bed. She thought for a moment and turned back around. "I can't be pregnant, Sum. Not right now, not when I have something going on in my life!" She said, waving her arms in the air.

"Please, Marissa, you and I both know that's not the reason," Summer said. 

"What are you talking about?" Marissa scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"You're not taking the test because you're scared that it might've been Ryan's, right?" Summer stated. 

Of course she's right, Marissa thought. She walked over to the bed again, looking down on the floor. "It's just... He seems really happy in college right now and I don't want to take that away from him. I mean, after everything that we've been through, he at least deserves that." She muttered. 

Summer put a hand on Marissa's shoulder. "Coop, I think he's going to want to know. And if it isn't for him, do it for you. You deserve to know if you're going to have a baby," She said.

"I know, and you're right, but.." Marissa trailed, but was cut off by the sound of footsteps in the hallway, which led to the two guys barging into Summer's room a couple of seconds after. 

"Julie let us in. You guys ready?" Ryan asked. 

Marissa and Summer looked at each other, but eventually Summer cave in, gazing at the robe Marissa wore. "Okay, first, Marissa needs to change." 

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