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J.Jungkook : "Noona, where are you? I've arrived.."

Im_Fun : "We're on the 3rd floor."

Jungkook ran to the 3rd floor and walked over them quickly.

"Noona!" Jungkook's panting.

"Kookie~ You've come ~" Jae Mi chirped and Jungkook sat beside Jae Mi immediately.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon." Namjoon stretched his hand out.

"Jungkook." Jungkook smiled slightly and kept focused on Jae Mi.

"Tell me how much you drink?" Jungkook glared at Jae Mi.

"Chill, Kookie~ I just started to drink." Jae Mi patted his head.

"So.. What's wrong?" Namjoon asked.

"I just argued with Min Jun.." Jae Mi sighed.

"Is it because of me?" Jungkook asked.
"I saw his missed calls and before I called back to him, you chatted with me."

"Yeah.. Kinda.. He's jealous about the photo that you uploaded yesterday. He told me to ask you to delete that photo. I don't even understand what's wrong with that photo." Jae Mi rolled her eyes.

"Which one?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"This one." Jungkook let Namjoon see the photo.

"I mean.. We're always like that but he never got angry about that, why now? Do you like Jae Mi?" Namjoon furrowed his brows.


"Nah~ He's my baby brother. I'm his Noona. He even called my mom.. Mom.. Min Jun knew about that too." Jae Mi waved.

"Maybe he's stressed about work. Whatever. Let's drink! Cheers!" Namjoon cheered.


Before Jae Mi drinks, Jungkook snatched the glass from Jae Mi's hand and gulped down the beer.

"Hey! Give it back! Order one for yourself!" Jae Mi snatched her glass back.
She just started to drink the beer, but Jungkook quickly stopped her from drinking too much.

"Okay.. Okay.. Too much beer will make you bloated. Take a sip.. Slowly.. Okay, Noona.. Repeat after me.. Slow.. ly.." Jungkook is convincing.

"Relax, Bro. Her alcohol tolerance is high. She can handle the beer better than me." Namjoon gulped down his beer.

"I'm thirsty. Ha ha ha.." Jungkook took a big gulp of Jae Mi's beer.

"Kookie~ Stop drinking my beer!!" Jae Mi's stopping Jungkook.

"Jae Mi-a, do you want to drink cocktails? I'll treat you!" Namjoon offered.

"Really!! Yay!" Jae Mi started to flip the menu.

"Namjoon! Hey!" Namjoon's friends are calling him and he waved back.

"Guys, I'll be back."

"Noona! Are you crazy! Stop drinking! Let's go home!" Jungkook pulled Jae Mi's hand but she refused.

"Noooo~ If you're tired, you can go home by yourself. I've just arrived here. I didn't even finish half of my beer."

Jungkook immediately finished Jae Mi beer,
"It's finished. Now let's go."

"I can't leave Namjoon here. He's always been my drinking buddy since we're legal."

"He's with his friends. Besides.. I don't even trust this Namjoon guy. He looks suspicious. I don't trust him. Maybe he'll take advantage of you when you're drunk." Jungkook pouted.

My Noona | Jeon JeonggukWhere stories live. Discover now