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Im_Fun Kookie.. Please pretend that nothing's happened, okay?

J.Jungkook Noona~ I won't stay still when it comes to you. He was hurting you.

Im_Fun Please, Kookie.. Please do it for noona? Hm?

J.Jungkook Noona~

Im_Fun Kookie~ I just wanna have my complete little family.

J.Jungkook I can give it to you too, noona..

Im_Fun Kookie~ That's not fair for you. I'm pregnant with his child.

J.Jungkook I don't mind, noona~ I'll love the baby like my own. I'll give you the happiness that he can't give to you.

Im_Fun Kookie.. No, this is really unfair to you. If I do that to you, I won't be able to forgive myself. I wouldn't do that to you, so please don't ever say that again.

J.Jungkook Okay, noona.. but, promised me, if he hurts you again, let me know, Okay?

Im_Fun I will. Thank you for always protecting me. It means a lot. 🙂

J.Jungkook I promise to always protect you.

Jungkook has been resisting himself from doing something that he wanted to do.
He had to pretend that everything's fine.
He had to act like he didn't know anything.


Jin stopped by Yoongi's house because Yoongi needs to give him something.

When Jin's waiting for Yoongi in the living room, Jae Mi and Min Jun walk down from Jae Mi's room.

"Jin Oppa!! Long time no see!!" Jae Mi piped cheerfully.

"Aigooo my baby Jae Mi~ walk slowly.. Come here, sit down beside oppa." Jin patted the sofa next to him.

"What brings you here?"

"Yoongi told me that he had something for me. Have you eaten? Oh sorry.. You must be Jae Mi's future husband?" Jin's stretching out his hand.

"Yeah, hyung. Nice to meet you, I'm Min Jun." Min Jun smiled and shook Jin's hand.

"You better be nice to my baby, or I'll steal her away from you." Jin suddenly flashes a serious face.

"Yah! Oppa! Don't scare him like that! Don't mind him, babe. He loves to joke around." Jae Mi's walking to the kitchen.

Jin turned his gaze back to Min Jun,

"I know you're playing with fire. Be careful, sooner or later, you'll get burned. And just let me tell you one thing. I don't mind taking your place, to be the father of her baby." Jin's warning.

"Oppa, do you want some drink?" Jae Mi shouted from the kitchen.

"It's fine. I can get it by myself." Jin replied.

"I'm serious." Jin said, pointing at Min Jun before joining Jae Mi.

Min Jun left dumbfounded.

"Just.. How many men are in love with this woman? What did they see in her?" He thought to himself.


D-5 Before Marriage.

"Babe, have you sent the invitation to your friends?" Jae Mi asked.

"Of course! Oh, and you don't have to send it to Jungkook anymore. I already sent it to him." Min Jun stated.

"Alright. I think everything's ready." Jae Mi clapped.

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