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Im_Fun : Kookie~ Mom asked you to come, she made some brownies. She also asked you to bring Bora.

J.Jungkook : I'm sorry, Noona. I can't come.. I'm busy~



Im_Fun : Kookie~ Want to grab some coffee together?

J.Jungkook : Sorry, Noona~ I already had another appointment with my friends.



Im_Fun : Kookie~ We're having a movie marathon tonight. Wanna join?

J.Jungkook : Sorry, Noona~ I have to attend my cousin's party.



Im_Fun : Kookie~ I have a lot of new anime. You might love it!

J.Jungkook : Maybe another time, Noona~ I still have something to do.. Thanks!



Jae Mi's curious about what exactly Jungkook has been doing. He didn't even have time for her anymore. Was he busy? Or He's avoiding her on purpose? Or is Bora jealous of her? Or there's something wrong with her that makes Jungkook angry so he's avoiding her?

On the other hand, Jungkook's fighting with himself. He had to fight with his feelings. Not meeting Jae Mi even though it is killing him. But for the sake of Jae Mi's happiness, he had to stay away from her.

From chatting every day,

Calling for a few hours just to talk about some stuff,

Stick to each other every day,


Just sharing some funny posts on Instagram,

Not even calling each other anymore,

And now, they do not even know each other's news.

It saddens Jae Mi, how they grew apart despite how close they used to be.

She keeps thinking that maybe she did something that makes Jungkook stay away from her,

But little does she know,

Jungkook, too, is having a hard time staying away from her. There are so many times that Jungkook almost lost himself and wanted to go to her house just to hug her or even just to see her. That's enough for him.


Today, Jae Mi didn't feel well.

She didn't even sleep well and eat well.

She had a headache and felt nauseous.

She's tired so she had to rest at home.

A few days have passed but she still has a headache and feels nauseous. Min Jun has to take her to the hospital.

"You're doing fine. You just need to eat well and rest well." The doctor said.

"Maybe I was too tired." Jae Mi grinned.

"It is normal, though." The doctor said again.

"What do you mean normal, doc?" Min Jun asked.

"She's pregnant, so it's normal for her to feel that way."

"I'm.. pregnant??" Jae Mi was shocked.

"Yeah.. The baby is 1 month old. Congratulations!"

"I'm gonna be dad??" Min Jun was shocked too.

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