dancing rehearsals

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Camila's pov

So we're in my choreographers dancing studio going over the dancing scenes that she has in mind for us to do in the music video and of course due to covid-19 we have to wear masks and be six feet apart and it's hit wearing these masks while dancing but if it keeps us safe them I'm fine with it, it's just me, Lauren, my mom, my manger Roger, Lauren's manger Jeff, & my choreography Sara biv

Me, lauren, & Sara are standing in a circle talking and my mom, Roger, Jeff are standing in the background socially distanced of course

'So Camila when you bought this song to and I read the lyrics to it, I immediately draw to it and as I'm reading it the wheels in my head started turning, so I got a couple of ideas ready to go, let's start' Sara says

'Can i say something first?' I ask

'Of course' Sara says

'We always been honest with each other and me and Lauren was talking and we agree that since we have younger fans like under the age of twelve, is anything way that we can popsicle keep it PG but sexy at the same time' I say

'Oh that's right! I forgot about that i was just thinking about fans around your guys age and older' Sara says

'Thats my fault I forgot to tell that because I was so excited about showing you the song' I apologetically

'Oh no, you're fine Mila, but i think there's a way we can do that' Sara says

'Awesome' I say

'Lets get started' Sara says

Skip dancing rehearsals saving that for the chapter of the music video

Lauren's pov

It's lunch time me and Camila, sinue are sitting in one corner of the room and sara, Jeff, and Roger are sitting on the side

'I think this music video is going to be hot' I say, taking a bite out of my sandwich, Camila nods in agreement

'Are you guys going dating low-key or make it public after this music video' sinue ask

'I think people already know that we're together but we talk about it after we was in the studio together after recording this song and we think it's time to let people know if they don't know already but still keep it low-key as much as possible' Camila says

'I think that's a good idea' sinue says, then Jeff walks up

'Hey guys, hate to interrupt your guys lunch but after we're done here a friend of mine texted me and said that there's a bunch of paparazzi and fans outside, so I called a couple of bodyguards just in case things get crazy, sinue you will go first to the car for your safety just in case things get out of hand we don't want you to get hurt or anybody else for that matter and the paparazzi ask you guys about the song or you relationship just say no comment' Jeff says

'Ok sounds good' I say, he gets up and leaves

'Damn how did they know where we are at already?' Camila asks

'I have no idea love' I say, taking a Drink of water and she smiles after I call her love

'Oh Sinu I found your wedding ring it was in my coat pocket the one I wore at the hospital I'll give it back to you when we get home' I say

'Oh good Ale will be so happy and so am i, I'll let him know now' sinue says, she tells him and he's happy that i found it

Camila's pov

So after lunch we decide to call it a day and come back tomorrow my mom leaves first then Roger and Jeff then us and there's bodyguards surrounding us which is great for our safety as we're walking towards the car we're holding hands and the paparazzi are taking our pictures asking us questions fans screaming things

'Are you guys dating?' one of them ask

'No comment' Lauren says

'Is any of the dances going to be in your guys music video?' Another one ask

'No comment' I say, we get to the car and gets in it and leaves

We get to to Lauren's apartment and she gets my mom's rind and hands it to her, my mom starts to cry and hugs Lauren, Lauren smiles and hugs her back

'Thank you so much for finding it' sinue says

'You are very welcome sinue' Lauren says, my mom kisses us goodbye and leaves to show my dad and Sofia

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