walking the dogs

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A/n it a supposed to snow tonight which Saturday into tomorrow which is Sunday after the snow it's supposed to rain, so I'm going to give you guys a chapter just in case I don't have power

Camila's pov

We get back to Lauren's house we get the dogs and take them on their walk so far they are behaving themselves

'So I got some news from Roger' I say

'Oh yeah, like what?' Lauren asks

'Iheartradio is doing a live in a couple of weeks for feed American and depending fans joins the live they will give it to feeding America and they ask if we like to join' I say

'Sure it's for a good cause' Lauren says

'Do you mind if I tell right before I forget' I say

'Yeah sure' Lauren says, I text Roger and tell him that we will do it too

'Can i ask you something that been bothering me lately?' I ask

'Of course' Lauren says

'I been having these dreams lately of us having kids, and I know it's way too early for us to have kids yet but i just wanna know if you want to have kids in the future?' I ask

'Well me and you are on the same page then because I also want kids in the future but like you said it's still early in our relationship to have kids just yet' she says

'Plus we still have to get our careers off the ground' I say

'That too' she says, we both laughs

'Uh-oh put spot' I say, Eugenie stops to pee

'Make that two' she says

'Does the paparazzi need permission to get in here?' I ask

'Yeah we're in gated community, why did you see some?' She asks, she looks around

'I thought I did, could be just fans though' i say

'I didn't tell my manger that we was walking the dogs' she says

'Huh like I said could be just fans' i say, we start walking again

Lauren's pov

'I love how some celebrities gets mad at their fans for taking our pictures without our permission, I mean I understand that they need their privacy but it's what we sign up to do when we became a celebrity' I say

'I agree on both parts, I think you mean out in public bit not like at your house' Camila says

'Yeah' I say

'You see that i can agree on, I would take a picture with a fan if I look good or not' she says, i laugh at a memory that just pop in my head

'I did that once when I was coming out of the gym and I took a picture with her because she was standing out there the whole time i was in there because she didn't want to bother me' I say

' Aw that sweet of her to that for you' she says

'And I told that i appreciated it because I was shock that she did that because she could have came I'm and ask instead she was standing outside in the heat like that' I say

'Oh my god' she says

'It was like a hundred degrees that day too' I say

'Wow' she says

'I know, the crazy stuff our fans will do just to meet us' I say

'I miss seeing them at concerts and stuff' she says in a sad voice

'I know I miss hugging them, just the physical touching kills me every time i see them, I'm glad that we saw and hug them today though' I say

'Me too, I just wish that this virus well go away' she says

'Me too' I say

'Oh we to make instagram official after our nap' she says

'Oh yeah I forgot about that' I say, we laugh about forgetfulness

We get back to the house we get inside and lets the dogs off if their leashes and Camila's family left already and I lock the front door and we go upstairs to take our nap

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