teasing too much

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A couple of days later Lauren is laying in her bed on her phone then Camila walks in and Lauren looks at her and smiles

'Hey' Lauren says

'Hey' Camila says, not a happy voice, then Lauren sits up and Camila sits in front of her

'What's wrong?' Lauren asks

'Um you know how us, mani, Dinah, Ally, and Bea are going on vacation together next week?' Camila asks

'Yeah, why you don't want to go anymore?' Lauren asks

'No, I Do, it's just that Dinah is already teasing me about stuff' Camila says, while looking down at the bed

'About what?' Lauren asks, Camila hands Lauren her phone and Lauren takes it

'You know my password right?' Camila asks

'Our anniversary right?' Lauren asks, while looking at her confused

'Yes, but which one, when we first started dating or now?' Camila asks, while looking at

'You might have to tell me that one?' Lauren asks

'It's when we first started dating babe' Camila says

'Oh!' Lauren says

'Wow I can't believe that you forgot about our anniversary' Camila says

'Well honestly your password can be anything really' Lauren says

'Alright fine you win this round jauregui' Camila says, while pointing at her Lauren laughs and puts in their anniversary and goes to the messages between her and Dinah here our the messages that Dinah sent

-u probably can't wait to get on with Lauren right? 😉

-I wonder if u grow since i saw u last

-is Lauren horny or is it u?

-unless u guys r doing it rn! 😂😉

'Wow' Lauren says, she hands Camila back her phone and Camila takes it

'I know and I'm scared that she's gonna do it when I get there too' Camila says

'Have you noticed back when we was dating she would tease you when I'm not there but then when I come around she doesn't it?' Lauren asks

'I think she didn't want the drama with you and just stops when you show up and then if she did you would have stand up for me and you won't let stand up for myself, I want to at the time by i didn't know how though' Camila says

'If she didn't want drama with me then she shouldn't be teasing you so much' Lauren says

'To the point where I cry myself to sleep sometimes' Camila says

'I think that she forgets that you're sensitive you are and I don't mean that in a bad way I mean is that you do have feelings and sometimes that does mean some thing do upset you're human you can't help it' Lauren says, Camila smiles

'I just don't know where to go from here?' Camila asks

'I'll talk to her some time this week and tell how things are gonna be for now on, and if she doesn't like it then she get out if our lives because we don't that negative energy in our lives anymore' Lauren says

'Yeah you're right, you think that we can do that together and this time I can stand up for myself and you can tell how you feel about it too?' Camila asks

'Yeah of course' Lauren says

'Good' Camila says, she kisses Lauren

'Are you off of your period yet?' Lauren asks, Camila laughs

'Oh my god, Dinah is right you are horny all the time' Camila says

'Or i can watch porn again and masturbate again' Lauren says, she lays back down with her phone

'No I'll take care of that' Camila says, she grabs Lauren's phone and puts beside Lauren and lays on top of her and starts kissing her

'So that's a yes that you're off of your period?' Lauren asks, she stops kissing Camila

'Yes, now Lauren shut up and just kissing me?' Camila asks, Lauren smiles

'With pleasure' Lauren says, she starts kissing Camila again

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