Camila passes out

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Today is the day of the AMA's Lauren and Camila gets there and the producer walks up to them

'did you guys take your Covid test today?' the producer asks

'yes' they both says

'and we both tested negative' Camila says

'perfect, after Shawn Mendes is done with his rehearsal then you guys can rehearsal your guys song' the producer says

'awesome thank you' Lauren says, the producer leaves and Camila turns to face Lauren suspicious, Lauren looks at her

'what?' Lauren asks

'Shawn is here, does that concern you?' Camila asks, Lauren looks at her confused

'no, should it though?' Lauren asks confused

'nope, lets go' Camila says, she leaves and Lauren stands there confused as she watches Camila leave to head towards the stage

they get to the stage and watches Shawn rehears for his performance he's doing his new song aftertaste

'wow its even better without the instruments, just saying' Camila says

'yeah' Lauren says

then there's a sharp pain going through Camila's right side of her stomach and she bends over a little bit

'Camz, are you ok?' Lauren asks, in a worry voice, she bends down to her level

'yeah, its just mother nature way to tell me its time for my monthly visitor' Camila says, Lauren giggles a little bit

'oh damn, are you going to be ok for tonight or do you just wanna to go home?' Lauren asks

'no I can manage' Camila says

'are you sure?' Lauren asks

'yeah' Camila says, Lauren looks on the stage and sees that Shawn is done

'Shawn is done now, lets go say hi at least' Lauren says

'yeah, lets do that' Camila says

they walk on the stage and walks up to Shawn 6 feet apart of course and masks on

'hey Shawn' they both says, Shawn stops dead in his tracks and looks at them

'oh hey guys, what's up?' Shawn says

'about to rehears as well' Camila says

'oh cool, well the stage is all yours then, I would hug you guys but because of Covid we can't but air high five instead' Shawn says, they laugh and they do the air high five, Shawn looks at Camila concern

'Mila are you ok?, you look pale?' Shawn asks, Lauren looks at Camila

'yeah he's right, are you sure that you're ok?' Lauren asks

before Camila can say anything she passes out in Lauren's arms

'CAMZ!?' Lauren yells, she lays her down on the stage

'MILA!? Shawn screams, he bends down beside her, Lauren looks at him

'call 911, I think it might be her appendix because she was complaining about her right side hurting before we came up here to say hi to you' Lauren says

'oh my god, I'm on it' Shawn says, he gets his phone out and calls 911 as he is on the phone

'its going to be ok Camz' Lauren whispers to Camila, as she caresses her thumb on Camila's left cheek, Shawn looks at them

'ok thank bye' Shawn says, he hangs up and Lauren looks at him

'they are on their way' Shawn says

'ok good, thank you' Lauren says

'of course, no problem' Shawn says

the ambulance gets there and takes Camila to the nearest hospital with Lauren on their tail with Sinu on the phone telling her to meet them at the hospital that she tells her

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