Camila has writers block

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At Camila's family home they have a table with candy into bags that way nobody well touch the other candy in the bowls Camila and Lauren are sitting on the front steps

'So who's getting thanksgiving and Christmas and new years?' Lauren asks

'Well mom doesn't want thanksgiving so your mom can have that and my mom wants Christmas this year, new years she doesn't care who gets that one' Camila says

'Ok I'll go and let my mom know' Lauren says, she gets up and makes the phone call, then camila's dad walks up to her and sits beside her

'How you feeling kiddo?' Al asks

'Tired, tired of this year and I wish it was over with already' Camila says, al chuckles

'Well you're not the only but when 2021 comes around this virus will still be around' Al says

'Yeah but we well have a vaccine by that time and it will be tame by then' Camila says

'Somewhat tame' Al says, then Lauren walks up to them

'Hey my mom said that would be ok to do that this year' Lauren says

'Good' Camila says

'I'll go help your mother and sister out' Al says, he gets up and leaves, Lauren sits beside her

'Hey you ok?' Lauren says

'Tired, I just want this year to be over with but 2021 well probably be the same but the virus might be tame by that time' Camila says

'Well if you it makes you feel better my mom said you don't have to worry about bringing anything but your stomach the rest of it my family can handle' Lauren says

'Ok, how do you feel?' Camila says

'Right now in this moment I feel weird because there's no paparazzi here' Lauren says

'You need access to get in don't worry probably our fans or just people in general' Camila says

'Right, when do they want your next album done by?' Lauren asks, Camila chuckles

'I told them that I need some time off to get my writing back on track' Camila says

'Did they give you some time off?' Lauren asks

'Yeah, they seen that I been under a lot of stress so they give me all the time i need' Camila says

'That's good, got anything so far?' Lauren asks

'I got a couple of lines here and there' Camila says

'Sometimes it takes time to write a song when you have writers block' Lauren says

'Yeah that's what i think that I have too' Camila says

'I know that feeling, it takes a special place inside of you to get the words that you want out and onto paper' Lauren says

'That's true' Camila says

'Let's get back to the trick-or-treaters' Lauren says

'Yeah, let's do that' Camila says, they get up and walks up to camila's parents

Later that night Camila is outside in the background going over some song lyrics that she wrote here and there then she starts putting them together then she finally puts them together and comes up with the song 'never be the same'

'Well Lauren looks like you made me put a song together' Camila says to herself


A/n Do you guys ever have writers block?

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