Tarzan is sick

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One Month later

Lauren's pov

It's been one month since the attempted robbery and I got alarmed system and bodyguards too we did the iheartradio live concert for feeding America and it went great we raised 45,000 dollars we are happy about that

For the past couple of days I seen Tarzan has been acting weird lately so I decided to take him to the vet i told Camila what happened she decided to come with me so we're sitting in the room Tarzan is in the back getting test done

'Have you seen him throwing up?' Camila asks

'No, I haven't, have you?' I ask

'No, that's why i was asking you' Camila says, Then the vet walks in with Tarzan and hands him to me

'Well from the test that we ran it looks like he over ate in these pass couple of days and he has a upset stomach so we give him some medicine to calm his stomach down' the vet says

'What can we do so that way it won't happen again?' Camila asks

'Make you feed him three times a day, it's ok to have a little snack in between, if he doesn't want to eat don't force him too because that can damage his stomach badly' the vet says

'Ok thank you' I say, the vet smiles

'You guys are welcome, you're free to go' the vet says, they leave, I look down at a sleeping Tarzan

'You're going to be fine baby' I say, I kiss his head

'He looks so peacefully sleeping now, not breathing so heavy' Camila says

'Yeah, let's go home so that he can rest' I say

'Sounds good because i have an interview with clever news around one o'clock' Camila says

'Ok let's go' I say, Camila kisses Tarzan on the head and we leave, So we get home i put Tarzan on his dog bed and Camila gets ready for interview for later on

Camila's pov

It's one o'clock I sit into front of my computer and we get connected we both shows up on the screen

'Hi Camila, I'm Abby and I'm going to be interviewing you today' Abby says

'Hi, so nice to meet you' I say

'So let's dive right in shall we' Abby says

'Of course' i say

'We don't have to talk about the attempted robbery but I want the fans to know how are you feeling after that happened?' Abby asks

'Um after a week after that happened I was so scared to leave the house and Lauren noticed that I was scared she took me to the side after she did her interview and she let me let everything out that I was feeling and she has always been there for me even before that happened no matter what it was and for that I'm grateful to have her back in my life again, another week after we talk she got a alarmed system and body guards Lauren is not playing around' I say

'I can see one standing outside right behind you' Abby says

'Yup, since it's not too hot outside for them they stand outside but if it's too hot outside they can come inside in the a.c.' I say

'As that sweet of you guys, I saw on your guys instagram stories if Tarzan at the vet, how's he doing?' Abby asks

'Well actually for these past couple of days he was acting weird not really eating but he was drinking water though so Lauren wanted to take him to the vet and I tag along, the vet said that he had a upset stomach and to feed him three times a day he have a little snack in between but if he doesn't want to eat don't force him too' I say

'Aw, I hope he gets better soon' Abby says

'He will, right he's just laying down on his bed' I say, looking at him

'He has medicine too, I'll post a story on instagram to give everybody an update on him' i say

'Awesome, any new music?' Abby says

'Of course duh' I say, we laugh

'No but serious though I'm always writing everyday whatever comes to mind, I write it down in my music journal so that way i can go back to it later on' I say, so we continue to talk for a little longer then ends the interview

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