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Lauren is pacing around the waiting room waiting for Camila's family to show up then Sinu walks in and sees Lauren pacing around the waiting room biting her nails

'LAUREN!?' Sinu yells, they walk up to her

'She's in surgery' Lauren says, Sinu puts her hands over her mouth

'Oh my god' Sinu says

'What exactly happened?' Ale asks, Lauren tells them what happened

'So me and Shawn thinks that it's her appendix' Lauren says

'Well she's been complaining about her right side hurting for the past couple of weeks but she thought it was gas or cramps or something' Sofia says, then the head surgeon walks out of the double doors

'Miss. Camila Cabello's family?' He asks, looking around the waiting room, Sinu takes her wedding ring off and secretly hands to Lauren

'Here put this on' Sinu whispers to Lauren, Lauren takes it and puts it on her ring finger because she knew what was doing

'Right here' Lauren says, he walks up to them

'Are you family?' He asks Lauren

'Yes I'm her wife' Lauren says, holding left hand up in the air to show him the ring

'Mrs. Cabello didn't have a ring on though when she came in?' He asks

'Oh, then it must have fallen off then when she pass out' Lauren says

'True, anyways I'm doctor balor head surgeon here, Lauren you was right it was her appendix, we successfully remove them, it turns out that your wife had appendicitis for quite awhile now, lucky we removed them now before they busted open and make her bleed to death' doctor balor says

'Um she was complaining about her right side hurting for the past couple of weeks now' Sofia says

'Do you remember what the symptoms were miss? Doctor balor ask

'Pain on the right side of the stomach, she could barely walk sometimes, didn't want to eat that much, thought she had a little fever' Sofia says

'In that case those symptoms of appendicitis' doctor balor says

'Can we see here?' Ale says

'Of course, she's out of surgery she's in room 401 upstairs, she's sleeping right now but once she wakes up get the doctor' doctor balor says

'Ok thank you for everything that you did for her' Sinu says, doctor balor smiles

'No problem ma'ma' doctor balor says, he walks away and they head upstairs

They get to 401 and walks in and Camila is sleeping Lauren walks up to her and kisses her on the forehead

'Laur' Camila whispers, she slowly opens her eyes and gets use to the lights

'Hey there princess' Lauren says softly

'What happened?, why am i in the hospital?' Camila asks, Lauren tells her what happened at rehearsals

'That explains so much' Camila says

'How are you feeling kiddo?' Ale asks

'Alot better then before' Camila says

'Oh mija' Sinu says, Camila smiles and Sinu hugs her

'I'm ok mama' Camila says, she looks at Sofia

'Come here kid' Camila says, and opens her arms open and Sofia walks up to her and they hug gently

'I'll get the doctor' Ale says, he leaves the room

'When did we get married camz?' Lauren asks, holding up her left hand and Camila's eyes widen

'Relax mija, I secretly gave Lauren my wedding ring so that way she can come up and see you' Sinu says, Camila relaxes now

'Good because I didn't remember getting before passing out' Camila says, she blushes, they laugh, then ale walks in with the other doctor

'Hello good afternoon Mrs. Cabello, how are you doing?' The doctor says

'Alot better then these pass two weeks' Camila says, the doctor smiles

'I bet, I'm doctor Brooke, I thought a female will make you more comfortable after surgery' doctor Brooke says

'Yeah it would actually thank you' Camila says, she smiles

'Not a problem at all, I'm here to check your stitches and tell you about your recovery ahead' doctor Brooke says

'Ok' Camila says, she checks her stitches and changes bandaged too

'Everything looks good so far' doctor Brooke says

'Good' Camila says

'Ok so your recovery should take about two to four weeks to heal up and your stitches will be removed around that time also, make sure you keep it clean so that it won't get infected gently though, stitches stays I'm if they come out come back ASAP, you have to on bed rest and at a quite space and don't move too much, your wife will take care of you?' Doctor Brooke says

'Well duh, I'm stuck with her until death due us part' Camila says, everybody laughs

'Yeah but you wouldn't have it any other way' Lauren says, Camila smiles

'No I wouldn't' Camila says, Lauren smiles and takes Camila's hand and kisses her knuckles

'Why does she have to stay in a quite space for?' Sinu asks

'Unfortunately you do have a small concussion, have you falling in the past couple of weeks due to the appendicitis?' Doctor Brooke asks

'I bought a new pair of boots and I was walking down our stairs and I lost my balanced somehow and fell down the rest of the way and hit my head pretty hard though on the floor though' Camila says

'Yeah I heard it from the kitchen and I got up to see what was going on and saw my beautiful wife on the ground' Lauren says, Camila smiles and Lauren kisses her knuckles again, they look at doctor Brooke

'Ok well that's all for now, you rest now, if you have anymore questions just let me know and you'll be out of here sometime at the end of the week' doctor Brooke says

'Ok thank you' Camila says

'No problem, you guys have a good day now' doctor Brooke says

'You too' everybody says, doctor Brooke leaves

'Now she probably thinks that I'm the one who push or something' Lauren says

'Your more like a lover then a fighter' Camila says, Lauren kisses her

They stay until visiting hours was over with Sinu said Lauren can keep her weeding ring until Camila leaves the hospital so that the doctors and nurses won't suspect a thing and Sinu wear her old ring for now and ale is fine with that as long as Lauren doesn't lose it and she promises that she won't lose it

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