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Camila's pov

It's 2am in the morning and I wake up with cramps great now I know why i lash out on Lauren last night because of my hormones and PMS I got to the bathroom and put on a pad I hate to wake Lauren up especially during the night I get up from bed and walks out our rooms beside each other's kinda of her room facing the long hallway while mine is the staircase i look to my right and I see that her door is open and I stand in the doorway

'Laur?' I whisper, she doesn't answer

I walk up to her bed and sits down and move a strain of hair from her face and I caress her cheek gently and she starts to stir then opens those beautiful green eyes that i love so much

'Camz!' She whispers, I snap out of my thoughts and looks at her

'Hey I hate to wake you up at this godly hour but do you have any pain killers or something for cramps' I ask

'Yeah I do, I got some in my bathroom, hang on' she says, she gets up and walks in her bathroom

'Do you want water?' She asks

'Yes please' I say weakly, she walks out with a glass of water and a pill, she walks up to me

'Here go, man those cramps must be bad this time compare to last month' she says, as she hands me the stuff

'Yeah they are, thank you' i say, i take the pill then drinks some water

'Your welcome' She says, she sits down beside me

'Now I know why i was bitch to you last night at dinner, I'm sorry for lashing out on you like that, it was uncalled for' I say

'I think we're both at fault because I was picking on you almost all day yesterday and I'm sorry for taking it far because I know that i did a couple of times' she says, i look at her

'I accept your apology' I say, lauren smiles

'And I accept your apology too' she says, I drink some more water

'And plus we can't control over what our hormones do' she says

'Or PMS' I say

'True, I have that all the time' she says

'Ain't that the truth' I say, she glares at me

'What?, come on you had that one coming' I say

'You're lucky I'm tired or I'll...' she starts saying before I cut her off

'Or you will do what jauregui' I say, with a changelle look, she backs down like she always does don't tell her that or she'll get mad

'Anyway, You want to stay the rest of the night in here with me?' She asks

'Yeah, I would love that' I say, I drink the rest of my water

'I forgot to tell you during the tour that i put a cup and a bottle of pills for pain in the medicine cabinets in each bathroom' she says

'That's nice of you to do that and it makes sense too so that nobody has to go down stairs into the kitchen and wake you up' I say

'That's actually the reason why i did that' she says, i laugh

'Come on let's try to go to bed' she says, she takes my cup and puts on her night table beside her bed

We lay down on her bed she puts her arm around me and I cuddle up against her

'I love you Lo' I say

'I love you too Camz' she says, lauren kisses me on the head and we both slowly draft off to sleep in each other's arms

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