Autograph (Naeleon but it sounds like it should be Hinaegi tbh)

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Makoto was not a fan of sports at all.

The boy was in no way athletic, so getting on to any teams was unlikely, but this didn't bother him too much. He had absolutely no interest of getting on any sports teams. 

On the other side of things, Makoto didn't even like watching sports. He found them boring and repetitive, while other boys his age were geeking out about their favorite players and teams. Makoto in no way judged them for doing so, knowing he was an even bigger geek regarding all things video games and famous idols. To each their own.

This was never a really big problem for Makoto, but that soon changed.

At the beginning of his middle school career, Makoto met his now best friend, Hajime, who loved to talk about sports, especially baseball. Sports wasn't exactly his entire world, but he talked about them to extent where it became slightly annoying to Makoto. He didn't mind, of course, knowing Hajime had to listen to his annoying video game and idol rants. It evened out.

Today, Makoto wasn't sure if he could handle what Hajime's love for baseball had come to. 

"Please, Makoto?" 

Hajime had gotten two tickets for a nearby baseball game today, failing to ask Makoto beforehand. While Makoto was flattered Hajime wanted to go with him and not someone more knowledgeable about the sport, he still wanted to decline and wished Hajime had asked him before he bought the expensive tickets. There was really nothing that could make him agree with this...

"Alright, alright. I'll go with you."

...except maybe the fact that he didn't know how to say no to his friends.

"Thanks so much, dude!" Hajime exclaimed, grinning. "I really do owe you for this, so how about we go to that concert you've been talking about next month? Sound good?"

Cracking a smile, Makoto nodded. He had always believed friendships were a give and take, and his friendship with Hajime was the biggest give and take he had ever been a part of. It really made him happy.

Watching the game was, as Makoto had expected, extremely boring.

At first, Makoto was having a decently good time. He had enough snacks to keep himself busy and was able to grab enough of Hajime's attention for some conversation, but after a while, the snacks ran out and Hajime became completely absorbed in the game.

Makoto quickly became antsy as a result.

He humored the thought of getting up saying he was going to the bathroom to hide in the bathroom stall for a little for a change of scenery at least, but quickly dismissed the idea, knowing there was absolutely no way he'd be able to find Hajime in the stands again. He briefly thought to text his sister, but knew that would probably seem rude, so he ultimately never did it.

Soon enough, Makoto finally thought of decent idea to entertain himself.

Though Makoto wasn't a fan of watching sports, he had absolutely nothing against sport movies, since the plot was more important than the game himself. In a lot of these movies, girls were portrayed extremely feminine and unwilling to enjoy sports, always wanting to find ways to escape the boredom of a game. Though Makoto found that a little sexist, in this moment, he was thankful it was. It gave him an idea.

In these movies, though the girls had no interest in the game, they had a certain interest in the players. Makoto was hesitant to sink this low, but reluctantly decided to do what a cliche sports movie girl would do, knowing nobody would really be able to notice.

Checking out the boys on the team instead of watching the game wasn't that weird, right?

No matter how much Makoto reassured himself, he couldn't help but feel weird as he did so. There were no physically signs of his awkwardness, especially considering the fact Makoto soon realized he did not in any way find baseball players attractive. They all had the same boring buzz cut and almost identical builds, nothing exciting. 

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