Freeze Your Brain (Komaegi)

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Sorry in advance for the large amount of Danganronpa musical au's I'll inevitably be writing one shots on. Anyways, this one's Heathers. 

"Makoto! Don't forget to buy corn nuts! It's not a party without corn nuts!"

Makoto sighed as he looked back to the girl yelling to him. Every time she spoke he got a bad feeling in his stomach. He wasn't too sure why he was friends with her in the first place.

Maybe it was the rush, maybe it was desire to be everyone's friend, maybe it was something else.

Whatever it was didn't matter at this moment, right now he had to go in and out of the 7/11 quickly so he wasn't late for Mondo and Leon's party.

"Yes, Junko. Plain or BQ..?"

Junko rolled her eyes. "Is that like, even a question? BQ, obviously!"

Makoto scurried into the 7/11 and to the snacks section, following Junko's orders. He's always felt more like an errand boy to Junko and her friends than a part of the group, but there really wasn't anything he could do about it. It was what it was.

He picked up two bags of corn nuts, plain and barbecue, examining them a little.

I wonder how Junko would react if I got her plain instead...

He shook the thought off and put back the plain bag. That would probably get him killed.

When he turned around, he was met with a taller boy, causing him to jump back a little. The boy was lanky and had white fluffy hair. Makoto could have sworn he had seen him before.

Ah, that's right. He was the guy who pulled out the gun in the school cafeteria the other day.

That was stupid of him and really scary..! He should've gotten in trouble for that!!

But still...

He's... kind of attractive...

The boy smiled and waved to Makoto. "Greetings and salutations. You want a slurpee with that?"

As much as Makoto wanted to let the handsome boy buy him a drink, he declined the offer.

"Oh, no thanks. I really have to hurry out, I'm sorry. I have a party to get to."

"You can't just go to 7/11 and not get a slurpee. Now, did you say cherry or lime?"

His persistence was tempting, and made Makoto's heart do somersaults, but Makoto had to stay true to his original statement. He didn't want to make Junko wait too long and get mad at him.

"I... said I had to leave, I'm sorry." He took another bag of barbecue corn nuts off the shelf. "Oh, and my name's Makoto Naegi. Were you ever going to tell me yours..?"

"Hm..." The boy taps his chin a bit, as if his name was top secret information and he was deciding if he was willing to share it with Makoto. "I suppose I'll end the suspense. Nagito Komaeda."

Makoto nodded, happy he got the information he needed. Part of him knew he needed to go to the cash register and leave now, but a bigger part of him had to know more about this mysterious Nagito Komaeda.

That itch for more knowledge was what finally got Makoto to go to the slurpee machine with Nagito.

Makoto leaned against the wall by the machine a little, in an attempt to look at least a little cool. "So... That thing you pulled in the caf the other day was... pretty severe..."

Nagito shrugs as he starts to fill a cup with slush. "The extreme seems to always make an impression."

"I guess so..."

Makoto closed his eyes, his mind whirring. All he wanted in this moment was to sound cool in front of Nagito, but he couldn't figure out how to. He took a small breath and chose his next words carefully.

"Anyways... What's a Baudelaire-quoting badass like you doing in a town like this?"

Makoto opened his eyes and looked over to Nagito in an attempt to read his expression.

It was unreadable.

"Ah, well I was expelled from my last high school. This town was my next option."

"Oh, I see. It must have been hard leaving your friends."

"Not really..." Nagito put the cover on his slurpee and stuck in a straw. "Speaking of friends, I don't like yours."

"Huh—?" He sighed. "Well, if we're being honest, I don't really like them that much either..."

Nagito smiled. "Perfect! Bag the party, hang here!"

"At the 7/11? Interesting first date..."

"Hey, I love this place!"

"I promise I'm not trying to be rude, but why..?"

"Well, that's simple." Nagito put down his slurpee and sat on the counter. "The only stable thing in my life is this lovely place. It's full of hope and linoleum isles I love to get lost in. No matter where I go and what schools I get expelled from, 7/11 will always be there for me."

"Oh... That was actually kind of deep, sorry for judging you before getting the entire story..."

"Don't worry, I'm used to it." He brings the straw of his Slurpee to his lips and starts to drink some. "The Slurpees here are also really good. I get one every time I come here. Which is a lot." He extends his drink out to Makoto. "Care for a hit?"

"Those are really bad for you... Your parents know you drink all of that..?"

Makoto inwardly cringed at himself. He wasn't trying to be a buzzkill or uncool, he was just worried for the boy.

Not breaking eye contact, Nagito explained, "No, they're dead."

"Oh... I'm really sorry, Nagito..."

"Don't be." He takes a longer, more aggressive, sip. "When I give myself a brain freeze, my whole body feels numb and the pain goes away! It's a good alternative to cocaine, don't you think?"

"So that's why you come here..."

"Partially. What I said before is still true. You see—"

"Makoto!" Junko comes storming into the store, towards the two boys. "Corn nuts?"

Makoto sighed, pulling himself away from Nagito and bringing his full attention to her. "Yes, Junko..."

"Wave bye-bye to your creepy friend over here and let's get going."

"Y-yeah, okay..." Makoto reluctantly walked to the cashier and payed for the snacks, walking out of the store with Junko without saying another word to Nagito.

He really hoped he would be able to see him again.

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