Daily Call (Komaegi)

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Like every night at this hour, Nagito sat at his kitchen table, his cheeks leaning on his palms, as he happily stares at the object lying in front of him. His cellphone sat there, not being touched, only being stared at. There was nothing going on on the screen, the phone was actually turned off, but Nagito's gaze was still fixed to it. Staring at the blank screen of his phone wasn't just one of the boring and worthless activities Nagito would busy himself with. This was actually the most important part of his day.

It was 6:45pm, five minutes before the time his friend's internship ended for the evening. His friend... He probably wasn't allowed to call him that, it wouldn't make sense for anyone to think of him as a friend. They were probably more like acquaintances.

Nagito's acquaintance, Makoto was his name, would call him every night a few minutes after 7:00pm to talk about his day. Nagito wouldn't talk that much to him, just making a few interjections such as a, "how wonderful," or "ah, I see," here and there. He knew his voice sounded more disgusting than usual over the phone, so he wasn't too eager to say much more than he needed. He was lucky Makoto liked to talk, usually going on long cheerful rambles about what he had done all day. His voice and cheerfulness made Nagito's heart flutter.

He knew it could be perceived as stupid and clingy, but this call was always the highlight of his day.

So there he sat, staring happily at his phone. He was patient, knowing Makoto had much better things to do then talk to him. Other than dinner and whatever other nightly routines he may have had, he probably had some other person he wanted to talk to, someone far more special than Nagito.

His phone lit up, a quiet marimba sound playing. His 7:00pm alarm. Nagito listened to the music coming out of his phone for a moment, only to extend his finger to tap the screen, stopping the alarm. The phone screen turned to black again.

There was now approximately three more minutes before he got the call, plenty of time for him to prepare himself. Nagito chugged some water so his throat wasn't dry. He didn't want his voice to sound scratchy and even more unappealing. He did some vocal warm ups. If they could help singers, maybe they could help him.

Nagito knew his preparations made him seem pathetic, but what else was he supposed to do? Sound even more pathetic because he wasn't prepared? No.

It was 7:03pm, and Nagito took a deep breath, reaching for his phone a little, only wanting to touch it if he was sure it was the right call. The phone laid there silently, and Nagito brought his hand back to supporting his head up. He smiled, thinking about the things Makoto was doing instead of calling. He closed his eyes and imagined his smile, probably doing something that made him happy. Something that made him happier than Nagito could ever make him.

It was 7:09pm now, and Nagito was still patiently waiting. If he was to get his usual call, he wouldn't want to miss it. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes to hours, until he was sitting there, exhausted, at 12:24pm. He sighed, knowing Makoto would have been asleep for hours at this point. He begrudgingly picked up his phone and made his way to bed.

He lie awake, thinking about all of the reasons he didn't get a call. Makoto probably found someone else to talk to to replace him, someone just as cheery as he was, someone who could actually add something to the conversation without getting self conscious about their voice, someone who probably hasn't been hopeless pining over him for ages... Just.. someone so much better than Nagito in every way. He closed his eyes, happy Makoto probably had a much better evening than he could've had if he were to call, an evening that wasn't plagued by the sound of his atrocious voice.


All next day, Nagito thought about Makoto, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but was much more so now than ever. Maybe he wasn't as happy as he thought about not getting a call, maybe he was upset, a little hurt, but he would never show it. It wouldn't be surprising if Makoto had simply lost interest in him, but it would still be saddening.

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