Green Jacket (Komaegi)

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Makoto sat on the couch in his apartment, absentmindedly scrolling through his social media, waiting for his roommates, Shuichi and Hajime, to get home. For the past few days, they were away in the nearby city for a short vacation, and Makoto was eager to ask how it went. He was a little sad he couldn't go with them, but he knew he couldn't afford to miss another day of work.

After a while, he heard a knock on the door and sprung from his seat. He opened the door to reveal Shuichi and Hajime, just as expected.

"Welcome back, guys! I missed you! Here, allow me." Makoto grabbed his roommates suitcases and dragged them both inside beside the couch.

Hajime laughs a bit and walks in, Shuichi behind him standing by the suitcases. He sits down. "Thanks, dude. We missed you too."

Smiling like an idiot, Makoto sat next to him. "Now, how was the city? Did you guys have fun?"

"The city was great!"

"I'm glad to hear that!" He looked over to Shuichi. "And the drive there was safe?"

Shuichi simply looked down and gripped onto the suitcase handles, not answering his roommates question. This made Makoto fill with worry. That must mean something bad happened. He couldn't think of any other possible reason that Shuichi wouldn't answer him.

He felt Hajime lean into his ear. "He ran over a hooker," He whispered. "Again."


Makoto had absolutely no clue why, but this was a normally occurrence for Shuichi. It seemed that whenever he took the wheel, the car became a hooker magnet. It was extremely lucky that he hasn't gotten in any legal trouble for this yet.

"U-um..." Shuichi lifted his head back up, looking to Makoto again. "I was going to do mine and Hajime's laundry, do you have any dirty clothes I can throw in with ours?"

"I have a few in the hamper in my room. Thank you!"

"It's no problem." With a small bow of his head, Shuichi left for Makoto's room. It wasn't really abnormal for them to visit each other's rooms, so Makoto wasn't worried. The only time entering wasn't allowed was if it was specifically stated. Besides, it wasn't like they had anything to hide. They were all usually very open to each other.

"I never understand how that guy could run over so many hooker and still remain so nice.." Hajime mumbled, watching as Shuichi left. When he disappeared into Makoto's room, Hajime turned to look at his friend on the couch. "What'd you do while we were gone?"

"Oh..! N-nothing, really. I had a lot of work, so... I was busy with that for most of the time!"

Makoto hated to lie to his friend, but he was in no way in the mood to tell the truth. It felt embarrassing, in a way. Of course, he wasn't lying about his work load. That was always tremendous.

Hajime's face turned serious. "Did you do something wrong?"

"No..! It's nothing like that, I promise!"

This time, Makoto wasn't lying. What he did wasn't wrong at all, he simply didn't want to talk about it with Hajime, or anyone for that matter. Maybe he would after a while, but now was not the time

"Alright, I trust you," Hajime said, his expression softening again. "It sucks that you had so much work, though. Your boss sucks, if I'm being honest."

"I don't really think he sucks... but yeah... I do think I get too much work..."

The boys began complaining about their respective jobs and bosses, Hajime contributing to the conversation most, Makoto not wanting to say anything too mean. Hajime always had a few choice words about his and Makoto's boss, and it always made Makoto feel a bit queasy. He didn't like using hateful words towards others.

After a little, Shuichi yelled from Makoto's room, releasing Makoto from the undesirable conversation. "There's a green jacket on the floor by your bed, is it dirty too?"

A green jacket?

"Um... Can you bring it out so I can see?" Makoto yelled back.

Shuichi walked out of Makoto's room, holding up the jacket. "I was a little confused... This looks like it'd be too big on you..."

"Oh, it's probably big for comfort. Baggy clothing is—" When Makoto saw what Shuichi was holding, the realization immediately hit him. "I-I can take that..! You don't have to worry about it, it's alright!" 

Makoto sprang up from his seat, trying to run over and grab the jacket, but Hajime grabbed his arm. He sighed, knowing there was no use struggling. In a fight about strength like this, Hajime would certainly win. Hajime let go of Makoto's arm and took the jacket from Shuichi. 

Hajime held the jacket out in front of him, inspecting it. "Wait a minute... I recognize this jacket..."

Makoto tried to grab for the jacket, but it was all in vain. Hajime was holding it over his head, and he was far too short to reach it. He was nothing more than a bull desperately butting its head into a red cloth. He sighed again. "You.. probably saw it at the store one time! Because... I don't think you know anyone who wears a jacket like that..!"

"No... I'm certain I do. Hm..."

Shuichi tilted his head a little. "Why do you have to think about it? It's obviously Na—"

"Shh," Hajime interrupted. "I'm waiting for him to admit it by himself."

"He clearly isn't going to."

Makoto started reaching for the jacket again. "J-just give it and pretend you never saw it..."

Hajime chuckled at Makoto's futile attempts. "Nope, I don't think I'm gonna."

Shuichi rolled his eyes. "It's Nagito's."

Hajime sighed and let Makoto grab the jacket. "You're no fun."

"I know."

"I guess I should go return the jacket, haha!" Makoto started running for the door, but Hajime grabbed the hood of his hoodie.

"Why was Nagito's jacket in your room?"

"I admit it, I had him over. I was bored and wanted company. Can you please just let go?"

Makoto knew his roommates were smart and would be able to see through his lies, so he had to get out of there fast. If Hajime were to let go of his hood for just a second, Makoto would be able to run for the door and be free. He planned on running to Nagito's house to return the jacket, and maybe hang out for a bit, even though that would make him seem more suspicious. 

"If I may, I'd like to butt in," Shuichi interjected. Hajime gave him a nod. "Thank you. The placement of the jacket was odd. Makoto always makes sure that all of us, including guests, have our jackets placed neatly somewhere. However, Nagito's jacket was sitting in a messy pile, almost as if it had been thrown off in a hurry. Furthermore, it was suspiciously close to your bed, Makoto. I won't make any accusations because it is none of my business, I'm just trying to get this over with as quickly as possible so Hajime lets you go."

Hajime finally let go of Makoto's hoodie. "Damn. Nagito?"

Makoto nods. "Nagito..."

"Huh. Didn't expect that. Alright. You can return his jacket now."

"Will do!" Makoto ran off, making his way to Nagito's house, ready to rant about his roommates discovery.

Hajime nudged Shuichi with his elbow. "Who would've thought Makoto would be the first one of us to get a partner?"

"He's literally ten times more likable than both of us combined in almost every way."

"I— Wow."

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