Shopping Cart (Platonic Komahinaegi)

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"Strip mall parking lot. 1am. You don't have to bring anything this time, we have it covered."

The words of that text were buzzing through Makoto's mind all day. The thought of it made his stomach turn with a mix of worry and excitement. Mostly worry. If it was anything like last time, he'd have to get Byakuya to bail him out of jail again, and he was in no way mentally prepared to beg for that. Just thinking about having to do it made him shudder.

Makoto never replied back to the text, knowing that he probably wouldn't get an answer he liked. He decided that in this case, ignorance was bliss. 

Though he wanted to stay ignorant for a while, he still made a few speculations.

It said to meet there at 1:00am, so whatever they were doing there was probably pretty stupid and could get them in trouble. He wondered what was being brought there. The text was from Hajime, so when he wrote 'we,' he was probably referring to him and Nagito.

Makoto really didn't remember why he started becoming part of their small group. It was odd that a second year reserve course student, a first year main course student, and a second year main course student hung out together, but he tried not to think too much about it.

As 1:00am grew closer, Makoto snuck out of his dorm and to the strip mall that was by the academy. It was dimly lit and mostly empty, the only other people there being Hajime and Nagito.

"Hey! Kotooo! Over here!" Nagito yelled, a goofy grin glued to his face. He was all sprawled out in the front of a shopping cart, holding onto the edges like his life depended on it.

With a weak smile, Makoto approached the boy next to Nagito. "Please tell me he isn't drunk... You guys promised we wouldn't have a repeat if last time. We've already learned the hard way that it's incredibly easy to get caught for underaged drinking out here."

"He's just a little caffeine drunk, don't worry. And he's being a drama queen about it, anyways."

"But... you'd need like eight cups of coffee to get drunk on caffeine..."

"Yeah? Well good thing he had six Monsters."

"What..?! Six Monsters?! That's like—!" He paused, doing some quick math in his head. "That's like over twenty cups of coffee! If he keeps this up, he's going to die, Hajime!"

Nagito giggled a bit. "Aren't we all?" He interjected.

Hajime picked up two cans of Monster from a box on the sidewalk. "He has a point there, Makoto." He tossed one of the cans to his worried friend, opening the tab of one for himself. "You need one, you look exhausted."

"Mm.. Thanks..." He popped open the tab, taking a long sip. He had always thought the taste was absolutely awful, usually complaining it tasted like metal and piss, but the boost of energy he got after he drank one was pleasant. He had also reasoned that drinking one meant that Nagito would have one less energy drink accessible to him.

Once both boys finished their drinks, they tossed their cans aside. Hajime instructed Makoto to sit in the cart with Nagito. He complied, Nagito moving out of the way so Makoto could hop in the front. Hajime didn't enter the cart, only held onto the handle and started to push it.

"Um..." Makoto turned his head a little to face Hajime. "What are we doing?"

"Y'know the hill over there?"

"No way..."

Nagito chuckled a bit. "Yes way."

"Oh my god..."

Hajime stopped to cart, directing all of his attention to Makoto. "If you don't want to, we can call it night."

"No, no! I want to! It sounds really fun, it's just..." He hold onto the front of the cart tightly, letting his voice trail off.

"Oh. Ohhh.." Nagito wraps his arms around the torso of the boy in front of him, then slightly leaning his head to his ear, his voice growing quieter. "You don't have to be scared, Koto. We both have luck on our side, right? Both of us, especially since we're together, are going to be alright." He snickers. "Can't say the same about Hajime. No talent means no luck."

"I can hear you, you know!" Hajime huffed.

Makoto laughed, feeling himself calm down. "He didn't mean it. It's probably the caffeine talking."

"It's caffeine, not alcohol. The asshole means it."

Makoto and Nagito shared a laugh, Hajime giving in and joining soon after. He once again started to wheel the cart to the hill, arriving only after a few minutes.

Hajime carefully put himself in the cart, arms wrapped around Nagito's torso like Nagito's were wrapped around Makoto's.

"You guys ready?" Both Nagito and Makoto nodded eagerly. "Alright. On the count of three we push. One... two..." Before Hajime could get to three, a rather aggressive gust of wind sent the cart barreling down the hill, way faster than intended. The three boys screamed, both in excitement and slight fear.

With the direction they were headed in now, they would collide with a bush, which would be a softish landing. Everything was going perfectly, and as Nagito said, luck seemed to be on their side.

Until the the cart collided with a small rock and somersaulted through the air.

Hajime hit the ground first, making sure to land on his forearms. Next came Nagito and Makoto, landing on top of Hajime. The cart landed nearby, not hitting any of the boys.

"That... was awesome!" Makoto exclaimed. He never expected this night to be so fun.

"I would have to agree. What do you think, Hajime? Was it as exciting as you expected?"

"Take me to the hospital."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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