Standards (Komaegi bbbbut it's a just a joke istg)

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Makoto was happily walking out of the school library, humming a tune from Sayaka Maizono's idol group. He had picked out the latest mystery novel, the last in an ongoing series. He was excited to see how it would end. All he had to do was make it to his dorm, then he could start reading until his head hurt.

He decided to take a little detour through the courtyard for a breath of fresh air. It was a good day, a perfect temperature, a clear sky. He was so absorbed in the atmosphere, he didn't notice the bush he was walking closer to. He walked right into it, dropping his book. "Crap..!"

As he bent down to pick it up, he was met with the face of another boy who was bent down as well, causing him to jump backwards a bit. He was a slender guy in a green jacket with fluffy white hair. He picked up the book Makoto had dropped and stood up. Makoto followed suit, standing up as well.

"You dropped something." The white hair guy said, an enticing smile strung across his face. Makoto wasn't exactly sure what his name is, but he recognized him from the class above him.

Makoto looked at the boy, a blank expression on his face. "Yeah. My book."

The guy stayed silent for a while. "No, this is where you're supposed to say what."

"But I'm not stupid. I know what I dropped. My book."

"Just humor me, Makoto."

"Knock knock."



"Humor. Me."

"Bitch, I'm trying. You're supposed to say who's there."

"No. You ask what you dropped."

"That's not humorous."


"Fine. What did I drop?"

"Your standards." The boy put a smile back on his face, extending his hand. "I'm Nagito Komaeda, it's nice to meet you."

"No, I dropped my book. And I think you extended the wrong hand."

"What. No I didn't. You use your right hand for a handshake."

"You're supposed to extend the hand with the book in it to give it to me."



"Acknowledge my pick up line first."

"Your what."

"Pick up line."

"No, you picked up my book, not a line."

"Makoto, I'm flirting with you."

"Okay, cool. Can I have my book now?"



"Mine now."

Makoto walks up to Nagito and looks him dead in the eyes, still not losing his blank expression. "No." He slaps Nagito across the face. "Mine." He snatches the book and goes to his dorm, finally able to read in peace.

"Okay but why do I lowkey love him more now."

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