Thunder (Komaegi)

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It was a peaceful night, the only noise being the soft pitter patter of raindrops hitting the rooftops. Makoto and Nagito were soundly asleep in bed, Nagito behind Makoto, his arms wrapped around the smaller boy's waist. The couple usually had trouble sleeping as well as they were now, but it seemed like their luck was working nicely for them tonight, allowing them to fall asleep almost as soon as they positioned themselves comfortably in bed.

The luck sadly didn't last.

Soft rain soon turned into a thunderstorm, the drops coming down more violently, and claps of thunder booming through the room every so often.

Nagito stirred awake at the sudden loud noises. He couldn't stand volumes like this, but he silently suffered, hoping the storm would pass quickly so he could fall asleep again.

He considered waking up his partner for comfort, but he quickly shook the thought. It would be selfish and rude of him to wake up Makoto just to make himself feel better. He began to think of other options, such as getting up to get his noise canceling headphones, or putting on music to distract himself. Both of those were ruled out as well, since Nagito figured they would disturb Makoto's slumber. This left only one option, suffering quietly and waiting the storm out.

Nagito laid awake uncomfortably for a few minutes, still spooning his boyfriend. It brought him some comfort being so close to Makoto, but certainly not enough to calm himself down completely.

A particularly loud clap of thunder filled the bedroom, and Nagito shut his eyes tightly. He felt his arms shake, but not at his own will. Confused, he slowly and cautiously opened his eyes and looked to his arms, seeing the boy he was holding tremble as he slept, an upset expression plastered across his face.

Nagito pulled Makoto closer to him, hoping that would stop him from shaking. Poor Koto's even more scared than I am...

Despite Nagito's efforts, Makoto continued to tremble, it only worsening as more thunder could be heard. Nagito frowned slightly and reluctantly brought his head down to Makoto's shoulder. "Koto.. Sweetheart.." He whispered softly into his boyfriend's ear. "Wake up..."

Makoto opened his eyes a bit and turned his head to Nagito slightly. "W-what is it..?"

"You were shaking.. I was worried..."

Makoto turned his head back to look forwards again. "Oh..."

"So can you tell me what's wrong..? I'll try to help..." Makoto stayed silent. Nagito sighed and held him tighter. "Just tell me if you need anything, alright..?"

Makoto turned his head to face his boyfriend once more. "Let go for a second..?"

Nagito does as he's asked and lets go of Makoto, backing up a little to give him space, in case that was what he needed. Makoto turned himself around and faced Nagito completely, pulling him into a tight hug and burying his head in his shoulder. Nagito wrapped his arms around him again, rubbing his back soothingly with one of his hands.

They lay there silently for a while, Makoto tightening his grip as lightning struck and thunder boomed.

Nagito was a little confused. He never pegged Makoto as the type to be afraid of thunderstorms. He only ever saw Makoto as brave and fearless. It was odd that they seemed to have a fear in common. No, Nagito couldn't show he was afraid as well. Makoto seemed to be dealing with this worse, so he needed to be comforted. If Nagito's fear was shown, Makoto would undoubtedly try to comfort him instead. It's just too hard to make someone feel safe and protected if they know you're afraid like them.

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