Tumblr Crush, Nagito (Komaegi)

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just.a.stupid.egg sent you a message on Tumblr

Nagito immediately whipped out his phone, his finger hovering over the Tumblr icon. He was so anxious to open the message, but was too nervous to look. He sighed and pressed the texting icon instead, starting to write a message to his friend to see how to proceed.

Nagito: Makoto Makoto Makoto

Makoto: What's up?

Nagito: He messaged me

Nagito: Tumblr crush hhhhh

Makoto: Like rn?

Nagito: 2 min ago

Makoto: oh

Nagito: ?

Makoto: What's the url again?

Nagito: Ah I never told you rip

Nagito: just.a.stupid.egg

Makoto: oh

Nagito: ???

Makoto: Nothing. U should probably reply tho? Just play it cool, don't be afraid to show ur emotions. He prolly likes you more than u think

Nagito: hhh prolly not lol but mkay thanks

Makoto: It's np

Nagito turned off his phone and set it aside. This message was too important to answer on a stupid phone. He hopped off his bed and looked under it, grabbing his laptop. Once he was back on his bed, he started logging onto Tumblr, his mind wandering. 

Makoto was acting rather weird over text. Oh? What does oh mean? He never texts me just oh. Maybe I deserve such a confusing response... but it's just kind of out of character? Did I say something stupid? Who am I kidding? I probably always say something stupid. Maybe- He sighs. Maybe I'm just reading into this a little too much...

Before opening the message from just.a.stupid.egg, he went to make a new post. He reasoned he would look stupid if it seemed like the only reason he logged onto Tumblr was to answer the message. He simply wrote do hope, not dope, and posted it. It was pretty much just a shit post, but at least it was something to show that he was on Tumblr for something more than messaging some boy he didn't even know the name of.

Finally, he looked to the message.

just.a.stupid.egg: Hi hi, just messaging to say that u are loved and cared about and awesome and u deserve everything nice and good :)

Nagito cracked a small smile. just.a.stupid.egg started sending Nagito messages like this every few days ever since Nagito confided to him about how he felt worthless. His words made Nagito feel a certain warmness he's never really felt before.

Though he appreciated these messages, they were always very hard to reply to. Was this a scenario where he should say you too? Or is he supposed to simply take the compliment? Nagito still doesn't have a clue.

After a few minutes of overthinking, he finally started to type out a reply.

steppingstone4hope: hhhhh tysm ^^

just.a.stupid.egg: yw ^^

steppingstone4hope: Ur also v awesome egg boi

It hurt Nagito a little to text with such bad grammar, but he wanted to match just.a.stupid.egg's typing style to seem more appealing and less monotone. After texting with this wretched grammar so often to just.a.stupid.egg, he adopted a slightly more sloppy texting style. It upset him slightly, but it was for the greater good, so it ultimately didn't matter. After studying just.a.stupid.egg's texting style for days, Nagito concluded it was very similar to Makoto's. They would probably get along well.

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