Part 11

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I look around hoping to find someone to team up with but I have no idea who would want to team up with me I am one of the few competitors with a high amount of points.

I look over to Todoroki and see he has his team, I notice momo is apart of his team it makes me a bit sad because I was going to ask her if she wanted to team up with me.

I see deku standing by himself,

Maybe we could team up together

I walk over to him,

"Hey deku you wanna team up?"

He turns to me and....starts crying

"You wanna team up with me really, but I have the most points you'll become a target"

He says with a quite genuine worried face,

"That's fine besides who else can erase people's quirks?"

I say this with a smile which makes deku smile in return.

"Who else should we add to our team Seiki?"

"How about Uraraka? Her quirk could come in handy"

I say deku nods and smiles as we make our way to Uraraka,

"Hey Uraraka do you wanna be apart of our team!"

"Oh hey deku hey Seiki, you know what that'll be great"

She agrees as we continue the search for more teammates, though soon enough Hatsume finds us

"Hey are you three still looking for teammates, you should let me and my babies join well guarantee a win"

She says confidently though I can't help but feel she just wants to show off her "babies".

The last person we added to our team was tokoyami, we thought his dark shadow quirk would be really useful.

The Calvary battle begins and everyone is already at each other, my team and I try to Saturday away from everyone avoiding going against anyone so we don't lose our points.

The main thing I was worried about was the equipment we got from hatsume, the only concern that I have with it is it may fail us or cause ya to get our pints taken, and another thing I'm worried about is Todoroki's team,

They're a strong team so I hope we can beat them.

Later in the Calvary battle

Man I'm worried for my team, we were doing so well until literally every team went for us starting from mineta all the way to Todoroki, bakugo was just aiming for this kid monoma.

In the end Todoroki ended up freezing every other team, honestly it was impressive,

"Seiki can you erase their quirks?"

Deku asked I froze

"I can only erase one at a time but I don't know who that should be, it would be smart to erase Lida or momo"

I explain, but it has become too late we are cornered by the other team, in like a second it seems they are going to go for it above us deku is fighting Todoroki and I think I see flames or smoke come from his hand which cause Todoroki's team to back off quickly.

We use this chance to get some distance which doesn't work too well because it seems they have another idea,

"Um guys look what they're doing"

Uraraka points out, before we know it they have zoomed past is snatching the headband in the process, we chase after them in hopes to grab it back,

"The one on the top is the one we need let's grab it guys"

I say hoping we don't lose just yet, tokoyami uses dark shadow and grabs the top headband just as the alarm for the end has rung. We then over the headband and it's not Dekus which puts us lower than 4th place.

Until tokoyami shows us the 400 points he snagged, which indeed put us on 4th place we all were still in the tournament.


Midnight announces the next part of the sports festival is 1-1 fights.
This'll be interesting

I have finally finished this chapter, only took me two months T-T the Calvary battle is honestly not my favourite part so that's why it took so long but from now on I think I'll get higher word counts also thank you all so much for the 1k reads it means so much to me that people are actually enjoying this book

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