Part 18

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It's finally the day I get to go back to school after the internships, I can't wait to see Momo and tell her about what I learned, I walk into the classroom and see Sero and Kirishima laughing. I walk over to see what they're laughing about that's when I see Bakugo's hair.

"Holy crap, what the heck Bakugo"

They say in unison,

Bakugo's hair has been groomed to be near and tidy,

"My hair has gotten used to this I can't get r back to the right way did you not hear me, I'll kill you all"

He says angrily, I can't help but laugh, I walk away as they continue making a fuss, I make my way to a few of my friends talking about their experiences.

"Woah you learnt more skills, guess that makes sense since it was with your father"

Mina says,

"Yeah it was a good experience so I can't complain, though I have noticed everyone who had an internship has changed"

I say,

"Now if you wanna talk about the ones that changed Seiki, it was definitely those three"

Denki says while pointing to Todoroki, Deku and lida,

All our classmates express their concerns and praise the three of them.

"Did you hear what they're saying about the hero killer, they say he was tied to the league of villains"

Ojiro says,

I walk to my desk not really interested in hearing about stain, Momo sits beside me,

"So how was your week Seiki?"

She says,

"It was great I learnt so much from not only my dad but my uncle mic, and I think it was a good bonding experience, how about you?"

I explain,

Momo then tells me about how she was more in a commercial than actual training,

"It's time for class to begin, everyone please take your seats"

Lida says to the class as he goes on a rant about how amazing we can be.


"I am here!, hope you are ready to return to our lessons"

All might says as he explains the race we are doing and rescue training.

We will be competing in groups of five, each person starts in a different locations and we must find all might first.

I'm not in the first group so I sit with my other classmates and we all take bets on who will win,

"I think Deku will surprise us"

I say trying to join the debate, we watch them compete,
Running through the area with such ease.

Deku runs and jumps along the arena shocking all our classmates though Sero wins in the end.

I'm in the next group and I'm going against Jiro, Momo, Denki and Mineta. The moment we start I use my scarf to swing myself along the piles and pipes, I want to win to show that I also learnt a lot in my training.

I swing past a few of my classmates,

"Woah look at you go Seiki"

Momo says as she tries to keep up on ground, eventually I almost make it to All Might but Denki just beat me by a hair.

"Hey too slow there Seiki"

He teases,

"Ok ok I might have taken longer than I should've"

I say back as we high five, after class we head to the locker room to change back into our uniforms.

When we hear mineta's voice,

"Is he about to do what I think he is?"

I say,

"I believe so Seiki"

Momo says, as Jiro walks up to the wall that has a small hole in it and sticks her earbud in it, we assume she poked Mineta in the eye,

"Thanks Jiro"

I say,

"We'll close up the hole soon"

Momo says,

After school

Ince class is finished I walk to the teachers lounge to find Midnight since she wanted to hear about my internship. I walk in and see Midnight sitting at a desk,

"Hey Midnight"

She looks up at me and smiles when she sees me,

"Hey kiddo, how'd you internship with your dad and mic go?"

"It was good, I learnt a lot and got to see what dad does, now I know why he's tired all the time"

"Thought you would've known at least that much, I personally wouldn't be able to watch all those police scans or anything because I do need my beauty sleep I don't wake up looking this good"

Midnight says as I laugh at her confidence.

We continue to talk until I eventually go home to get some rest.

The next day
"It's almost time for summer vacation, don't get too excited you can't just relax for an entire month"

Dad says to the class,

"Does that mean-"

Denki says,

"You'll be training, while you're camping in the woods"

Dad continues,

"I knew it!"

Some of the guys yell as others raise their hands in the air as everyone gets excited about the camp.

"However, those of you who don't pass the final exam will have summer school"

Dad says,

Everyone then wishes each other luck and tell each other not to fail,

"I hope we do well Momo"

I say, she smiles

"As do I Seiki, though I am confident in your abilities"

She tells me. I'm sure we all will do fine.

Been quite a bit since I last updated, hope this chapter interesting and I went to say thank you for all the reads and comments definitely helps in motivating me to write more chapters, again hope you all enjoy.

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