Part 14

378 13 8

As I'm watching the Momo versus Tokoyami, I want to have faith momo will win but Tokoyami's quirk compared to her is much stronger in this sort of combat.

I see Tokoyami has dark shadow constantly striking her and attacking, pushing her backwards not giving her a chance to make a weapon. Until he stops and that's when momo makes a weapon ready to fight back until she realises she has been knocked out of bounds.

"Momo Yaoyorozu has stepped out of bounds therefore she is eliminated from the competition!"

Midnight yells,

Momo looks down with a disappointed look on her face as she walks out of the fighting area. I stand up and jog to the waiting room she walked into,



She looks up and when she sees me she tries to put on a smile,

"H-hey Seiki"

"Hey you know I know how you're feeling right now"

She nods slowly as we head into one of the empty rooms and sit down at a table,

"I was horrible I didn't even get a hit in against Tokoyami"

She starts to tear up,

"When I fought against Todoroki and when I  lost, I went to see my  dad"

She looks up,

"Wait why are you telling me this"

"Because you were my first friend at this school and I want you to know I could barely look my father in the eye when I lost but he still was proud, and I want you to know I'm proud of you"

By this point both Momo and I are full on crying,

"Thank you Seiki I didn't know that and didn't know I needed that"

After Momo and I leave the room we see that Tokoyami and Bakugo are having their fight,

"Did we miss kirishima's tie breaker?"

I ask and a few of my classmates nodded, I see bakugo is using his quirk to his advantage since Dark shadow doesn't do well in a fight with a lot of light.

In the end bakugo comes out on top and is going up against Todoroki next round,

"I have no idea who I want to win"

I hear Momo say,

"Well I think Todoroki has the ability to win especially after he actually used his flames now"

Tsuyu says,

I think about it and say,

"I honestly think Todoroki might not care for his fight with bakugo as much as bakugo will but I guess we'll see"

I hear a few "hmm" and "ahhs" from my classmates.

Bakugo and Todoroki walk into the arena, and I can see bakugo is saying something to Todoroki then the next second they are both looking in my direction,

"what's that about"

i say quietly.

their fight begins and i notice Todoroki isn't using his flames just his ice, even though his fight with bakugo is heating up as bakugo grows even more angry at Todoroki not using his flames.

Bakugo yells at Todoroki again about him to using his flames as if bakugo is worth his flames.

Soon bakugo uses this huge move as Todoroki uses his ice, a huge bunch of smoke happens and Todoroki seems to be knocked out while bakugo isn't done with the fight he grabs Todoroki by the collar wanting to continue fighting even as midnight announces him the winner.

After the sports festival

We are all sitting in class talking about internships,

"Hey momo where do you plan to do your internship?"

I ask as she smiles,

"I'm not telling you~"

She says jokingly,


I say back laughing at her antics, she turns serious,

"But where do you plan on doing your internship?"

She asks rather quite serious, probably more serious than she actually needs to be.

"Well my father said I could it with him and believe it or not endeavour wants me to do an internship with him"

Momo smiles,

"Working with your father would be cool, but imagine learning from the number two hero"

I smile, yes working with my dad would be great. But working with endeavour would be more useful in my journey to becoming a hero.

"Great I still don't know which one I'll choose"

I sigh

"I'm sure you'll pick what's best for you"

Momo says as she leaves for the day, what am I suppose to do

Been awhile since I updated,

Also Thank you so much for 2k I did not think it would even get 1k this means so much to me that people are actually reading this and actually enjoy it

The daughter of shota Aizawa Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora