Part 19

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"Alright that's it for class today, there's only one week left before your final exams begin I'm sure you're all studying constantly right, don't forget to keep training the written exam is only one element, there's also the practical portion to worry about good luck"

Dad says as he leaves the classroom, I for one am pretty confident I'll pass the written exam, and I'm sure I'll do well on the practical some of my classmates though aren't as confident.

I see Denki freaking out as he got the 21st spot on the midterms which is dead last in our class, Ashido on the other hand seems very laid back even though she got 20th,

"With the sports festival and interships I've barely had enough time to read the textbook"

Denki says,

"It's true we haven't had much free time lately"

Tokoyami says, he got 14th on the midterms which isn't too bad.

"We barely learnt anything when we took our midterms, so it didnt seem that hard though I'm worried about these we've been through alot and they probably won't pull any punches when it comes to testing us"

Sato who got 12th on the mid terms says to Koda who got 11th, he's right though they'd probably expect us to use intuitive and study on the side even after everything.

Somehow Mineta was able to get 9th how he did that is beyond me,

"Ashido, Kaminari we still got time to study, that way we all get to go to the training camp together right"

Deki who got 4th says to the pair,

"Yes I have high hopes well make UA proud"

Lida says even though he got 2nd so he shouldn't worry too much about the written portion,

"It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class isn't it?"

Todoroki says,

Momo was the student who scored highest on the midterms and offers to help out the other students to study but is still bothered about the practical, but seeing the students waiting her help she cheers up quick.

Other students begin talking among themselves as we begin to leave.

Later in the cafeteria I sat with a few of my classmates as we ate lunch Deku speaks up,

"I'm kinda scared about the practical, I have no idea what it's going to be"

"Hard to believe they'd give us anything too crazy"

Lida responds,

"The written exam questions will be on stuff from class so I should atleast be able to do those"

"Deku you're one of the smartest students in our class I'm sure you're gonna do fine"

I say in an attempt to help him feel more confident,

"Do you really think it's going to be that simple"

Uraraka says with a nervous look on her face,

"It's driving me nuts I just want to know what they'll have us doing"

Deku responds,

"It's comprehensive test of everything we've learnt this year"

Hagekure says,

"That's about all we can get Mr Aizawa to tell us"

Tsuyu says,

"Not even I'm able to get dad to tell me what to expect, he claims it would be an "unfair advantage" since I'm the only student with a teacher as a parent"

I say,

"Yeah but Mr Aizawa would still help you study right, I mean he is your father before your teacher"

Lida says, I nod,

"If this isn't too straight forward I was wondering Seiki where's your mother, all we hear you talk about is Mr Aizawa and Present Mic is your mother not around anymore"

Deku asks, I sigh

"Yeah it's true I don't talk about my mother a lot and that's just for the fact that she was never around, she basically gave birth to me then left since she never really wanted children neither did dad to be honest but he still made an effort to love and care for me and Uncle Mic was always around so I never felt unloved or that I was missing out not having a mother and I wouldn't  change that for the world"

I say and the table nods sympathically,

"But enough with the sad talk we have our exam to worry about but it's not just one portion we should be worrying about the most"

I say changing the subject,

"So we can't just study we have to stay in great physical strength"

Deku says as he gets elbowed in the head ,

"Oh sorry your heads so big it's hard to miss"

Monoma from 1-b says,

He begins to go on about how our class always complains unless we're centre of attention I purposely ignore Monomas existence since usually he just pours out some crap about the class, soon Kendo hits Monoma across the head shutting him up thankfully.

She reassures us about the exam, I'm glad she's nice atleast thought hay didn't stop Deku from starting one of his muttering rants.

Once we went back to class the group told some of our classmates about how Kendo said the physical exam will likely be robots like at the entrance exam and sports festival,

"This'll be super easy if it's just robots"

Kaminari says relieved,

"Such awesome news"

Ashido adds,

The class adds to the conversation adding more optimism about how they'll all be able to go to the training camp in the summer, though Bakugo shuts it down real quick saying how they shouldn't be excited and work on controlling there quirks,

"Hey deku I don't know what's going on with your power but I want you to know I've seen the way you've been using it, and it's seriously pissing me off"

Bakugo says annoyed,

"Uh oh he must mean how deku was flying around like him the other day"

Uraraka whispers to some students, bakugo then proceeds to announce how helm be the one on top after the exam claiming he'll be better than both deku and todoroki.

He slams the door and leaves everyone in shock.

Over the course of the weekend I decided to spend it studying, I knew some of my classmates were studying at Yaomomo's but I decided to study at home and maybe try and get dad's help with the content I was struggling with. I even got help from Uncle Mic, which didn't end too well basically ending in dad kicking him out because he was "discreetly" giving me the answers for the written portion.

At school the written exam takes place, I don't think I did too bad and a lot of my other classmates even think they did well but now it was time for the practical exam.

It has definitely been a minute since I updated last, I just wanted yo say thank you for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter I will try to update more often. I know I say that a lot but sometimes life just happens but I thank you all for being patient and waiting for updates, so I guess I'll see you all in the next chapter

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