Part 17

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It's the second day of my internship, I have been up all night with dad looking at police feeds and talking about what I would do if I encountered a villain.

Today dad wants to go over everything I have learnt and maybe learn some new stuff,

"Seiki you ready?"

I hear dad ask from downstairs,

"I'll be there in a sec"

I rush downstairs and see uncle mic is here again,

"Heya kiddo did you or your dad get any sleep last night?"

I shake my head no now that I think about it I am quite tired but I can't let that stop me since when I become a hero I will need to be able to not get tired.

"So Seiki your uncle and I want to go over all the stuff you learnt yesterday"

For the next few hours dad, uncle mic and I do a sort of quiz, which dad and uncle mic partook in as well let's just say even pro heroes don't know everything,

"Uncle mic how did you not know most of these"

Uncle mic turns to me clearly frustrated that I knew more than he did, dad just watched us bicker amused,

"Anyway Seiki you did get most of the questions right but the important question I want to know is what kind of hero do you want to be?"

I look down I've never thought about that, I just thought that heroes are just heroes they just save people. I wouldn't really know what kind of hero I'd want to be, I mean I know deku wants to be one that's always smiling when he saves people obviously wanting to be like All Might.

So do I really want to be a hero like the person I look up to the most, with my quirk I wouldn't be as well off as other heroes, so what kind of hero do I want to be?

"Yo earth to Seiki you still with us kiddo?"

I look up and see uncle mic and dad just watching me,

"I don't really know what kind of hero I'd want to be, I just want to help people and make the world safer"

Dad nods his head and uncle mic embraces me,

"Why so serious you didn't have to answer straight away"

Uncle mic tells me,

"That would've been nice to know beforehand"

Uncle mic and I start to joke around when dad gets a phone call and excuses himself,

"What's that about?"

I ask and uncle mic meets dad's eyes and as if they're telepathically talking uncle mic leaves,


Dad says my name in a tone that worries me,

"Dad what is it?"

He looks at me with this stone cold look,

"lida, Midoryia and Todoroki are currently in the hospital"

I am shocked how did this happen, I literally saw them all a few days ago I hope it's not serious,

"What happened to them"

"A villain by the name of stain was in the city and they fought him"

I have no words they fought an actual villain, it didn't sound like the USJ they actually ended up in the hospital;

"Can we go see them"

I ask and dad nods.

At the hospital

I walk through the hospital and go into the room that has the three boys, they all look at me when I enter the room,

"Seiki hello!"

Deku says the moment he sees me, well he seems ok,

"Hey you guys are you all feeling ok?"

They all nod, well except Todoroki,

"Hey Todoroki you ok?"

I ask he looks up,

"I feel... Kind of bad... I feel like if I get involved... Other people mess up their hands... Is it a curse? I am like "The Hand Crusher" or something"

I try to hold back laughter I notice deku and lida doung the same,

"Uh Todoroki I'm sure you're not the hand crusher"

I say which cause all of us to start laughing  but Todoroki seems so clueless like he doesn't understand,

"I'm serious it's like I'm cursed or something"

We all laugh harder,

"Wait so how did all your internships go before this"

I ask and they all just nod,

"I've learnt a lot from gran Torino, tho I did think he was dead when I first met him"

Deku explains and i have no words,

"Mine was fine though most of my energy was on finding stain"

lida explains and I nod, we all then tho Todoroki,

"My internship was with my father there are no words to describe it"

We all laugh and enjoy each other's company  until I go home.

5k, I feel like every time I update I have more and more people reading this book and it makes me so happy, just a fair warning I am having to deal with some stuff in my life so updates aren't going to be as long to as often but I will still try to update as often as I can, but again thank you so much for 5k and hope you liked the chapter with Todoroki "the hand crusher"

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