Part 15

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I wake up bright and early, I have to decide today who I want to intern with, my father or the number 2 hero, but I think I already know which I should choose.

I walk down the stairs of my house and I see dad sitting at the table staring at his laptop, he clearly didn't sleep last night,

"Hey dad"

"Oh morning Seiki, have you decided who you'll be interning with,
you know it's due today"

I look at the ground yes endeavour would help make me a better hero, but my dad and I have the same quirk so he knows how it works. I think I know who I'll intern with


I see my dad is looking at me, he kinda looks worried,

"Don't worry dad I know who I want to intern with"

He smiles a bit I can tell he's upset cause he thinks I'll be i interning with endeavour.

"Also heads up midnight will be going through hero names with the class today so think of a good one"

I nod as we head to the school.

Time skip: Midnight's class

"Today we will all be creating our hero names, be careful with what you choose as it will stay with you for a while, but also have fun with let it express your quirk and what type of hero you want to be"

We all get to work on our hero names when I notice Todoroki is done quite quickly,

"Already figured it out huh?"

He looks at me,

"Yeah, do you know what yours will be"

I smile I want it to be a surprise for my dad.

After we all created our hero names one by one we present them to the class.

A lot of the names were kinda funny so I didn't feel silly or weird about mine,
Especially considering aoyama made his "can't stop twinkling"
Todoroki made his name just his first name Shoto, bakugo couldn't get midnight to agree to any so his is unknown for now.

"Seiki your turn"

Midnight calls me to the front of the class I notice my dad has walked to the doorway obviously he wants to know what my hero name will be.

"Uhh my hero name was decided from the person I look up to the most"

I start, wow there are a lot of eyes standing here,

"So my hero name is Eraserhead Jr"

I say flustered, I hear Mina and Momo "awh" at me and a few of the guys like Kaminari and Kirishjma "whoop"

I guess that wasn't so bad I then turn my head and look at my dad and he's smiling...only slightly since heaven forbid his class see him have emotion.

I sit back down at my desk and Momo turns around to me,

"It's offical your hero name is my favourite thing ever it's s cute"

I smile, Momo always knows what to say.

Later: after school

"Hey Seiki some of the class was thinking of hanging out at this cafe do you want to join"

Kirishima asks me,

"No I'm ok I wanna talk to my dad"

"Alright no problem next time then"

I walk into the teachers offices and I go to my dads desk, where he's looking over the intern forms,

"Hey dad"

He looks up at me, and gets up and hugs me,

"I should've known you would use that name"

Seiki is only around 5/6 at this point

"Hey there's my favourite niece"

Present mic says to me as he picks me up and hugs me,

"You know ever since you developed your quirk I can't help but think that you'd make a great sidekick for him"

I remember smiling at that comment but I obviously didn't really understand what he meant at the time,

"Mic what are you on about now"

I heard my dad coming

"Just how Seiki will be eraserhead jr when she goes in her way to be a hero maybe even your sidekick"

I remember my dad rolling his eyes but that was one of my biggest memories of uncle mic and dad

End of flashback

"Well ever since the i always thought about becoming a hero with that name and you are the only person I look up to"

"I also saw you plan to do your internship with me even though I don't have a hero agency"

I smile

"There's no one else I'd rather intern with"

My dad's grip goes tighter as he hugs me,

"Hey what about me"

I hear uncle mic yell from the door way

I will admit this took me longer than it should've to write, but I also wanted to thank all my readers for 3k did not expect this book to get all these reads and it does make me want to continue writing this book for all of you so thank you

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