You can't teach love

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Hieeeee, happy new year!!! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated this, I just needed a break. Anyway, this is inspired by quite a few things that I have read in the past so I hope you enjoy it. Also, I haven't read this, so if anything is wrong or doesn't make sense, please let me know. Hope you enjoy it. Byeeeee


Katya was speed walking down the corridor holding her cup of coffee, she was late, again. She knew her drama class would be waiting for her so she sped up. Katya was walking so quickly that she didn't even see the other blonde walking the opposite direction. They collided and the lid of Katya's coffee fell off, spilling coffee everywhere. "Shit," Katya said as she saw the other blonde fall to the floor. "Trixie, are you ok?" Trixie looked up to see the worried face of her co-worker. "I'm fine, I just..." She took the hand Katya offered down to her, "Just don't have another shirt," she said, glancing down to see that her white shirt was stained with coffee. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I..." Trixie cut her off, " It's ok, neither was I." The two froze, making eye contact for a moment before Katya looked away, "Um, I have a lesson so I'll see you at lunch, ok?" Trixie nodded, watching her co-worker scurry away down the corridor. She continued to her music class, opening the door and apologising for being late before beginning her lesson.

It was nearing the end of her lesson when Trixie opened her emails. She had a message from the headteacher asking her and Katya to report to his office at break. She immediately panicked, wondering what she had done, but coming up with nothing, she quickly dismissed the thoughts and finished teaching her class. She let her class go not five minutes later and quickly packed her laptop into her bag before making her way to the head office. Katya was already there when she arrived, sitting outside of the office. "Hi, do you know why we're here?" Trixie asked, taking the chair next to Katya's. "Hi, umm, no. I'm really sorry about your shirt by the way, I can pay for it to be cleaned," she said, glancing down at the stain on Trixie's chest, her face going red, "It's fine," Trixie said, with a chuckle, "How was your lesson?" she continued, "Good, my a-level class is devising at the moment so I don't have to do much, you?" Trixie sighed, "Not great, I don't understand how year seven's have so much energy but at the same time are incapable of applying that energy to any task." Katya laughed, "I know they're..." Katya was cut off as the door opened and the two teachers walked inside.

"Good morning, Mrs Del Rio," Katya greeted the head teacher as they entered the room. "Good morning, Miss Zamo, Miss Mattel, please take a seat. As you probably know, we are having some issues with the budget this year and we are having to cut some events that we would rather not have to." Katya and Trixie glanced at each other nervously. "Unfortunately, we have decided that it will be impossible to put on both Miss Zamo, your play and Miss Mattel, your summer concert." Both teachers opened their mouths to complain but Mrs Del Rio cut them off, "Instead, you will be working together to put on a musical. I want you to run auditions as soon as possible and I expect the show to be performance ready by the end of the term. This will not change, and I do not wish to hear any complaints, you can go now." The two women looked at each other before standing and leaving the office a little bewildered. "I have a free class next if you want to come to my room and we can sort out what we want to do." Trixie nodded and followed Katya to the drama studio.

"Why do you have these lights on?" Trixie asked, gesturing to the stage lights that were lighting up the room. Katya frowned, "Atmosphere," Trixie laughed, "Well, at least we know where the budget has gone." Katya laughed, rolling her eyes, "Anyway, what musical do you want to do?" The two brainstormed for a little while but couldn't really think of much until Trixie gasped, "Could we do Mamma Mia?" Katya nodded, a smile on her face. "Are the rights available?" Trixie nodded. "Perfect, we can hold rehearsals tomorrow and then we can start rehearsals."

Trixya one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora