'You're Welcome'

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It was freezing, the snow was falling fast, covering the ground in a thick blanket of frost. The woman stumbled down the streets her arms pulled tightly across her chest, hands covered by the dirty sleeves of her hoodie. Her prominent cheekbones were covered by a matt of greasy, blonde hair and her once striking blue eyes appeared empty. She was shivering so much that walking was becoming difficult and she barely had the energy to fight the exhaustion that was resting heavily on her eyelids. She staggered down the highstreet seeking some escape from the bitter cold surrounding her. Her eyes flickered from side to side before she noticed a yellow light flooding the street via the windows of a small cafe. The woman's eyes lit up slightly and she hobbled towards the building. She approached the door hopefully, but small tears formed in her eyes as she noticed the closed sign hanging on the door. Her legs were numb from the cold and she fell to the ground as her knees buckled under her. She crawled into the doorway of the cafe, finally letting her eyes close. She had lost the energy to fight, after all, who would miss her if she was gone?

Sighing, Trixie fiddled with the bow holding her white apron around her waist. She was tall and blonde, with honey brown eyes and a bold fashion sense. She was wearing a bright pink dress that hugged the top half of her body, flaring out into a skater skirt just above her hips. She loved her job in the small cafe that she worked at but, as she sat watching the clock tick closer to twelve, deeply regretted offering to take such a late shift. She had no idea why they stayed open so late as no-one had entered since her shift started at eight. Trixie slowly began to close up for the day, stacking the chairs and cleaning the tables ready for the morning. Flipping the sign on the door, she hurried into the back office, hanging up her apron and grabbing her brown coat. Walking to the door, she pulled the coat on and braced herself for the cold. She flipped the light off and opened the door.

Trixie froze as she noticed the woman slumped in the doorway, her eyes closed. Fear immediately bubbled up in her chest, "please don't be dead," she thought as she knelt down beside the woman. Trixie carefully shook her shoulder hoping to wake her up, she didn't. Shaking her harder, Trixie sighed in relief as the woman's eyes opened. She flinched, cowering away from Trixie, hiding her head in her arms, muttering quietly, "Please don't hurt me." Trixie frowned, pulling her arms away from the woman. " I'm not going to hurt you, it's freezing and you shouldn't be outside on a night like this. Can I offer you a lift home?" She watched as the woman cautiously lifted her head and gulped before replying, "I-i don't have much of a home to go to." Trixie frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry. Umm, what's your name?" The woman replied with a heavy russian accent, "Yekaterina petrovna zamolodchikova... Katya," Trixie smiled, already liking the blonde woman "I'm Trixie Mattel. Katya, I might be crazy considering I only just met you but would you like to stay at my house for the night?" Katya's eyes flickered around avoiding eye contact, "I-i couldn't possibly invade your privacy like that ma'am, y-you should get home, don't waste your time talking to me, miss mattel" Trixie frowned at that, how could this woman think so little of herself. "I'm not wasting my time Katya, and I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that you were out here in the cold." Katya still looked doubtful, she held her arms firmly across her chest to try and stop herself from shivering but it was pointless as Trixie noticed, immediately shrugging off her coat and pulling it round Katya's shoulders. She pulled it tightly around herself and looked up at Trixie. "I'm not leaving you like this," Trixie said standing up and reaching out a hand towards Katya, "Please?"

"Ok, thank you," Katya mumbled, accepting Trixie's hand and allowing herself to be pulled up. "It's not too far away, are you ok to walk?" Trixie asked, eyeing Katya as she swayed slightly. She nodded and the two started walking but Trixie could see that Katya was struggling to hold her weight. Trixie wrapped an arm around Katya's waist and pulled one of her arms around her shoulder. Katya tensed, but allowed herself to lean on Trixie as she was once again overcome with exhaustion. They continued walking but Katya was still struggling, her feet dragging on the floor. "Can I carry you?" Trixie said, noticing how exhausted Katya was. Katya nodded, closing her eyes as Trixie wrapped her arms around her waist and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around Trixie's middle and rested her head on her shoulder. Trixie smiled as she felt Katya latch onto her and sped up a little, anxious to get Katya in the warm. It only took a few more minutes before Trixie arrived at her house. "Katya?" she whispered quietly so as not to startle her, "Yes," came the muffled reply as Katya kept her face buried in Trixie's shoulder. "Can you grab me my keys please, they are in the coat pocket?" Katya nodded and handed the keys to Trixie, who unlocked the door and carried Katya inside, pushing the door closed behind her.

Her house was small but Trixie liked it. She had done the best to make it homely, painting the walls in a light pink, with various house plants scattered around the rooms. She walked over to her couch and gently put Katya down, "Th-thank you," she stammered looking nervously around the room. "Sorry, it isn't much," Trixie said, joining Katya on the couch. "N-no, it's perfect. I can't thank you enough for this." Katya said, staring directly into Trixie's eyes. "It's fine, I need the company anyway, do you want something to eat?" Katya shook her head but her rumbling stomach betrayed her. Trixie laughed, "Let me rephrase that, do you like Pizza?" Katya blushed, nodding. "Great, i'll order some, do you want a shower?" Trixie asked, noticing how beautiful Katya looked with a little colour in her cheeks. "Yes please, if you don't mind." Trixie smiled, "Of course not, it's this way, let me grab you some towels." she said, walking down a corridor. Katya stood shakily, slowly following Trixie.

Trixie hung the towels up in her bathroom, and put a small pile of clean clothes by the sink. She turned the shower on before turning to find Katya. She looked lost and a little overwhelmed as she followed the sound of running water. "Katya," She said quietly so as not to startle her. The woman looked up fearfully, making her way quickly into the bathroom, "What, yes, I'm sorry, I, what?" Trixie laughed, "Nothing, calm down, you're fine, you can use anything you need and take as long as you want, there are some clean clothes for you there when you're done, ok?" Katya nodded, smiling.

Trixie had ordered the food and was sitting on her couch reading. It had been about half an hour when she heard small footsteps making their way towards her. She turned around and smiled as she saw Katya. She was wearing one of Trixie's sweaters but it was loose on her and fully hid her figure, the trousers were a bit too baggy but Katya had tied the drawstrings tightly to stop them falling down. She looked tiny, swamped by the oversized clothes, as she clutched the used towel and her old clothes against her stomach. Trixie was shocked at how much younger Katya looked now that her hair was clean and her face was clear of the dirt that was there earlier. Trixie stood up, walking towards the woman reaching her hands out to take the pile from Katya, "I'll put these in the wash, the Pizza arrived a few minutes ago so I'll go and grab that, do you want to sit on the couch, and i'll be back in a minute?" Katya smiled, nodding slowly as she tried to keep up with what Trixie was saying. She watched as the blonde rushed out of the room, and she walked slowly over to the couch sitting down carefully and huddling up in the corner. She couldn't believe how lucky she was, she didn't think she would have survived if she had had to spend the night outside. No-one had treated her like a human for so long, and now the level of kindness that Trixie was showing caused small tears to roll down Katya's cheeks, the whole situation overwhelming for her.

Trixie put the clothes in the wash and grabbed the box from the side before making her way back to her living room. She stopped when she saw Katya huddled up in the corner crying. Walking over to her slowly, she put the food down on the table and sat next to Katya. Katya looked up at Trixie, watching as the taller woman took both of her hands and looked directly into her eyes, "Why are you crying, sweetie?" This brought a new wave of tears as Katya struggled to comprehend Trixie's concern. "I'm sorry, I just, umm, thank you, for this." Trixie pulled the other woman into a tight hug, "You're welcome."


Hieeeeeee, this is quite short but I hope you like it. Sorry, a lot of my fics follow a similar plotline but I hope you like it. I want to try and write something a bit different so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions please let me know. (I only write them both as women btw). Thanks for reading, byeeeeeee

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