The beginning

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"Ginger, why are you doing this to me?" Katya whined, staring at herself in the mirror, tugging on the skimpy black dress that ginger had forced her to wear. She heard her friend laugh from behind her, "Because you look hot, and if you get laid you might stop whining like a horny teenager." Katya rolled her eyes as Ginger stood beside her in the mirror, "Ginger, I am a horny teenager, what do you expect?" Ginger hit Katya's arm and scoffed, pulling her down to sit on the bed. "Sure, maybe a decade or two ago, now you're basically dead, I mean is this even skin at your age?" she said, beginning to apply concealer to the bags under Katya's eyes. "Have you looked in the mirror recently bitch, you're practised at doing makeup on the elderly." Ginger cackled and Katya wheezed, throwing her head back and grabbing Ginger's wrist. "Touche bitch, now hold still, I want to get this right." Katya stopped laughing and sighed. "Why do we have to do this, you know I hate crowds, and we're both too old to be spending a night at a club." Ginger shook her head, "We're 35, that's not too old, it'll be too old when I'm on the dance floor with a walking stick, but until that day we are going."

Katya waited as Ginger finished her makeup and then proceeded to get ready herself. She was growing more anxious by the second as Ginger talked about all of the friends that they would be meeting there. Katya had never really liked meeting new people. Even during Uni, she had stayed solidly by Ginger's side, and then her and Ginger had started a business together so she had never really had a valid reason to talk to anyone else. Katya's hands were shaking slightly in her lap in their Uber, Ginger didn't notice, too excited to be seeing her old friends from Uni. The Uber pulled up outside the venue and Ginger all but pushed Katya out of the car and onto the floor in her eagerness to get into the building. They walked towards the entrance and Katya took a deep breath. "I need a cigarette, I'll see you inside". Ginger nodded and let her go, smiling and walking into the club.


Trixie had always hated her job. It wasn't exactly her dream to be a 24 year old bartender and yet that was where she found herself. She had dropped out of college after getting scouted at a small music festival. But two months later, they dropped her from the record label after finding out she was gay and she ended up desperately trying to find a job to pay her rent. She ended up getting a position in a club serving drinks and flirting with old men to try and get enough tips to keep the lights on.

She had been working since midday serving drinks, and was really struggling to maintain her smile. It was now 9pm and the club was getting gradually more and more busy. "Hi, what can I get you?" she said, smiling at the man who had just walked up to the bar. She tried to ignore her discomfort as the man stared directly at her chest, leaning on the bar. "I want you to come round the back with me, barbie," Trixie crossed her arms over her chest, "Sir, can I get you a drink?" The man chuckled and reached across the bar grabbing Trixie's arm and pulling her towards him. "I want you to come with me, Babydoll." Trixie pulled her arm back, fighting to get away from the man, but he refused to let go. "Get off of me," she shouted, "Mark," Trixie shouted again, her co-worker rushing over and getting the man off of her. She stepped back, and watched as the man was escorted out of the building. She was slightly shell-shocked, this had happened to her so many times before but it always bothered her. Mark came up to her, "You ok Trix?" She nodded quickly, "You sure babe, no offence, but you don't look it." Trixie took a deep breath, struggling to keep from crying. She was exhausted but she didn't want Mark to be worried about her. She didn't need more sympathy from her co-workers. "I'm fine, I just want this shift to be over." Mark pulled Trixie close, hugging her. "Honey, go home I'll cover for you." Trixie let him hold her and nodded slowly. She pulled away and wiped under her eyes, "Thank you, I'll see you on Monday." Trixie walked to the space behind the bar. She pulled her coat on and grabbed her bag, walking out the back door of the club and pulling it shut behind her.

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