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Hieeee, sorry it's been so long, I've had this planned for a while but haven't got around to writing it. I'm actually kind of proud of this one so i hope you enjoy it. Byeeeee


"Look, I can cope with your mess scattered around the room and that stupid Russian music you play too loud but can you please turn off the fucking fairy lights. How the hell do you expect me to sleep when I'm being blinded by those stupid lights." Trixie shouted, she had reached her limit. Trixie had met her roommate four months ago when she first moved into her dorm room and she had hated the Russian girl ever since. She had walked into her college experience with what she thought was an open mind but when she saw her room decorated in black and red, with dirty black clothes strewn across the floor and a pile of used towels on her bed, her mind was closed very quickly and she immediately took a disliking to her roommate, who she later discovered to be called Katya. She had platinum blonde hair styled, if you could even call it that, into a choppy bob with jagged bangs splayed across her forehead. The girl had introduced herself as "Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova," with a smirk on her face as she took in Trixie's bewildered expression.

It was safe to say that Katya wasn't the biggest fan of Trixie either. The Malibu barbie woke her up at 6 nearly every morning to apply what seemed like an obscene amount of make-up and to pile her long curls into some elaborate up-do that would spend the day bouncing around on top of her head. Granted there were some positives to the girl, given her need for tidiness, Katya found that she rarely had to clean her side of the room as Trixie usually did it for her. Katya definitely wasn't the messiest and wouldn't really have a problem with cleaning, but Trixie's standards seemed unattainable high, so Katya just left the cleaning to the younger girl. Katya usually wasn't bothered by Trixie tidying her things away, but a couple of months ago she crossed a line. Katya had a set of fairy lights, they were a small chain of light bulbs that she hung across her cork board. She never turned them off, no matter what time of day it was. They would be on at two o-clock in the bright sunshine for an empty room or at one in the morning when Katya was fast asleep and Trixie was trying to block out the light by smothering her face with a pillow. She had come back to her room after a bad day in class when she found that the lights weren't up. The Russian turned on Trixie, asking where her lights were. The following argument was the first of many that would be had over that one small set of lights but no matter what argument Trixie put forward, no matter how loud she shouted, the lights stayed where they were.

It was the last week before the holidays and Trixie was coming home from a small get together with her friends, when the light above her flickered out and the power went down in her building. She sighed loudly, she wasn't afraid but the darkness was such an inconvenience to her. The blonde made her way up the rest of the stairs and trailed her hand along the wall as she made her way, slowly but surely to the room that she shared with Katya. She rummaged through her bag to find her keys, pulling them out of her bag as soon as she felt the cold metal. Unlocking the door, she pushed it open to find their room in complete darkness for the first time since she had moved in. She pushed the door closed, silently celebrating her own minor victory, despite the darkness resulting solely from the power cut, when she heard whimpering and harsh breathing coming from her roommates bed. "Katya?" She called out, turning on the flashlight in her phone to find the blonde curled up with her back pressed against the wall surrounded by a tangled pile of dark grey sheets. The blonde had tears streaming down her cheeks as she frantically tried to pull air into her lungs. Her entire being was shaking and Trixie immediately noted the severity of the situation.

She walked calmly over to the blonde, her eyes were glazed over with fear, the sheer terror in her eyes was enough to worry even Trixie. She reached her hands out slowly towards the blonde, who flinched finally noticing that her roommate was sitting on the edge of her bed. Katya looked at her with desperation in her eyes as she tried to draw air into her lungs. Katya watched as Trixie took one of her hands and placed it on top of Katya's. They were clammy and shaky and usually Katya would be embarrassed by this but she was too scared to think about anything. "Katya, can you hear me?" Trixie said softly, drawing the Russians attention with her soft, soothing tone. She nodded. "That's great, thank you. Can you hold my hand please?" She asked calmly, maintaining eye contact with the smaller blonde. Katya nodded again and held Trixie's hand tightly between hers. "Thank you, now I need you to try and breathe with me ok?" She asked, beginning to breathe loudly and slowly squeezing Katya's hand occasionally to encourage the blonde. Trixie continued to breathe loudly until Katya's breathing had slowed and her grip on Trixie's hand had loosened. "Thank you," Katya mumbled sheepishly, embarrassed by the whole ordeal. Trixie nodded slightly and released Katya's hand, walking over to her own bed and changing into her pyjamas. She turned back around to see Katya facing the wall, Trixie assumed she was asleep so she had no issues getting into bed and letting herself be pulled into a deep sleep.

It was around two in the morning when Trixie woke up. Muffled cries were coming from Katya's bed and Trixie could hear rain hammering on their window from outside. The wind was blowing loudly and loud rumbling thunder was followed by the loud crack of lightning as it split the sky. Trixie's focus was drawn back into the room, as Katya sobbed loudly at the crackling lightning, her breathing sharp and the terrified look back in her eyes. The girl was in the same position as before with her back pressed against the wall. Making eye contact with the Russian, Trixie pulled back her covers motioning for Katya to join her. The girl clambered across the room, burrowing into Trixie's side immediately, burying her face in the taller girl's neck. "I'm sorry," she mumbled through whimpers as she flinched, tensing every time she heard a loud noise or the room was lit up momentarily, the flash of lightning creating eerie shadows that danced around the room. Trixie rubbed Katya's back comfortingly, holding the blonde tightly. She noticed how Katya breathing picked up with every rumble of thunder and she started singing gently to try and give Katya a different sound to focus on. The Russian listened to Trixie's voice, the natural lilt and soft tone lulling her to sleep. Trixie's eyes closed shortly after and the two girls spent the night wrapped up in each other's arms.

When Trixie woke the next morning, she stared down at the girl sleeping in her arms. She had never really noticed how beautiful she was before and she was immediately bombarded with a series of images of what life would be like if they were together. Trixie knew it wouldn't happen however, she hated the beautiful Russian sleeping peacefully in her arms. At least she thought she was, Katya's eye's opened momentarily before she closed them quickly, snuggling closer into Trixie's side. Before long, the blonde seemed to remember who she was with and immediately jumped out of the bed as if she had been burnt. Trixie watched as Katya walked out of the room, her cheeks tinted pink. She heard the shower running and she looked at her phone while she waited patiently for Katya to finish showing. She had multiple texts from her friends checking that she was ok, all of which she replied to. The bathroom door opened and Katya walked out with a towel wrapped around her body, Trixie blushed as she stood up, walking past Katya and into the bathroom, pulling the door shut behind her.

The room was empty by the time she was done and Trixie got ready for her day in silence, trying to process everything that had happened the night before. She left early as usual so as not to be late for her first class and went about her day as usual.

It was around ten when she got back to her room. Katya was already in bed, the small light bulbs hanging from her cork board were lighting the room once again, but Trixie didn't feel angry, more intrigued. She got herself ready for bed, before settling beneath her sheets, she rested her head lightly on the pillow and took a deep breath, "Can we talk about what happened last night?" She asked, hearing Katya sigh at her question, "Do we have to?" she asked, the innocence in Katya's voice made her feel guilty for asking but she wanted to know what had caused Katya's breakdown. She nodded, "What happened last night? I mean, I know you had a panic attack, but do you know why?" Trixie asked, trying to sound somewhat friendly. She watched as Katya sat up, looking at her lights before taking a deep breath. "It sounds immature and dumb but I'm afraid of the dark. My dad was a horrible man, he used to get blackout drunk every night. He would hit my mum and then he would come into my room to hit me and shout at me. I could never see him, but I would always hear him shouting and stomping towards my door. Loud noises and the dark always bothered me after that. I put the lights up the day that he was arrested, they keep him away from me in a sense and I know that as long as they are there he can't get to me. They remind me that he's gone." Katya said, taking a deep breath as she finished her explanation. "I'm sorry I got so annoyed at them." Trixie said, overcome with guilt for how angry she got about the lights. "It's fine, I should have told you earlier anyway."

The conversation ended as neither girl knew what to say. It started raining after a while and they both lay there in an awkward silence listening to the rain as it hit the window pane. They both knew the other was awake and Katya finally broke the silence, sitting up and looking over at her roommate. "Um, Trixie?" she whispered, continuing once she had the blonde's attention, "Can I sleep with you again, please?" Trixie smiled and nodded, laughing as Katya darted over to her bed, snuggling comfortably into Trixie's side once more. Trixie wrapped her arms around the Russian and entwined their legs together before saying softly, "Always."

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