A Fairytale Ending

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Hi, so it's been a very long time since I've posted anything, but I'm coming back with probably the longest fanfiction I have ever finished writing, so I hope you like it.

It is based of the film Leap Year, so I can't really take credit for the plot, please comment it really does motivate me to keep writing things, I'll leave you to read it now, thanks.



 25th February, 2 pm

"It's perfect, isn't it babe?" Trixie said with wide eyes as she explored what she hoped would become her new home. It was a three bedroom, open plan apartment in central New York. It was the home she had dreamed of for most of her life, and now she would finally get to live there. Well, if they got approved for the house. Trixie glanced around to see her boyfriend Jeremy nod his head slightly, his gaze focused on his phone. "Jeremy!" He looked up startled, "What? Yes, yes it's great." Seeing her annoyed expression, he walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek, "Sorry, babe, just work stuff. It really is perfect." Trixie smiled, kissing Jeremy quickly before continuing to explore the space. "Ok, so the interview is at 2:30 and then I'll meet you for dinner at 7:00, is that Ok?" Trixie nodded, checking her watch quickly, "We better get going then, we don't want to make a bad first impression."

5 pm

"What about this one Trix?" Trixie glanced up from the rack of expensive dresses she was looking at, her friend Pearl was standing in front of her, holding up a long, slim fitting, red dress. "Red? You want me to wear red for what could be one of the most important meals of my life, I don't think so." Trixie said, frustrated as she flicked through the dresses, trying to find the right one. She gasped as her eyes fell on a light purple dress with a tight rhinestone bodice and a loose chiffon skirt flowing to her knee. "That one," she exclaimed, pointing at the garment. Pearl walked over to it, taking it off the rack and checking the tag, "It's your size, try it on." Trixie emerged from the dressing room five minutes later, wearing the dress, "It's almost there, but this dress needs to seal the deal." Pearl smiled at Trixie before gasping, "Oh my goodness, I nearly forgot to tell you. I saw Jeremy coming out of Verragio's with a bag." Trixie's eyes widened as she listened, before she grinned and squealed excitedly. "Tonight's the night."

8 pm

"Did you enjoy dinner babe?" Trixie nodded, "Of course I did, you know this is my favourite restaurant." Jeremy smiled nervously, "Well, I wanted this to be perfect." He reached under the table and pulled out a small black box. Trixie could feel her heart racing as he placed it on the table in front of her. "I love you so much Trix, and I can't wait to start our new chapter together. Go on, open it." Trixie took a deep breath, reaching forward with shaking hands, she picked up the box. Making eye contact with Jeremy, she opened the box, glancing down to look at it's contents. Her smile faded instantly as she looked at a pair of heart shaped diamond ear-rings. "Do you like them?" Trixie nodded, forcing a smile back onto her face, but it looked a little more like a grimace. "Good, I thought they... shit..." Jeremy said as his phone started ringing loudly, he glanced at the contact name. "Sorry babe, I have to take this." Without waiting for a response he answered the call. Trixie zoned out as he spoke, staring into the box of disappointment. He didn't propose. She wouldn't have spent so much money on the new dress if she had known that this wasn't going to be such a big day. "Honey, I have to go, I'm really sorry, I'll see you when I get back from Dublin, Ok?" Trixie nodded, letting him kiss her briefly before he marched out of the restaurant. She sighed, watching him leave. He would be back in four days, after attending a business meeting in Dublin. Four days. Trixie gasped, four days, four years. Her mind raced as she thought back to when she was a child. She remembered her mother telling her the story of how her parents got engaged. Once every four years, on the 29th of February, a woman could propose to her boyfriend in the city of Dublin. And that was when Trixie decided, she was going to Dublin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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