Never leave me again

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Hieeeeee, sorry it's been a while, I suddenly had a lot of schoolwork to do and didn't have time to write. I've had this idea stuck in my head for a couple of days and really wanted to write it. Sorry if it's bad, I didn't have time to proof read so if anything is wrong or doesn't make sense please tell me so I can fix it. With that out of the way, hope you enjoy it. Byeeeeeee xx


"Trixie, we've been together for three years now." Katya shouted, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I know we have, and we've had this argument how many times?" Trixie replied, refusing to cry in front of Katya. "Why can't you say that you love me?" she said, quietly, "Do you know what it's like to be so completely in love with someone that you would do anything and everything for them, and they won't even say that they love you?" Trixie didn't grow guilty as Katya had hoped, she became gradually more angry as Katya was speaking, "I have shown you that I would do anything for you, you know why I won't say it, I don't understand why you won't respect that." Trixie shouted, watching as Katya flinched at her harsh tone. "Why can't you trust me? I don't understand why this is such a big issue for you but I'm not leaving, Trix," Trixie locked her eyes with Katya, "Then maybe it's time for me to leave." She said, her voice quiet but stern. Turning around she picked up her bag and coat, walking out of the door and pulling it closed behind her. The second the door was shut, she leant against it, tears streaming silently down her cheeks. She knew it was a stupid argument and that Katya needed her to say that she loved her, which she did and there was no doubt about it but everyone in Trixie's life that she had said that to had left her. Her mum passed away when she was twelve and her dad was never in the picture, so she spent her childhood bounced around foster homes, growing attached to families before being moved on to the next one.

Taking a deep breath, Trixie wiped her tears away and walked down their front garden. They had spent so much time trying to make it look pretty, with the rose bushes neatly planted in rows, she nearly started crying again as she remembered how they had struggled to plant them and ended up falling over into the soil. Trixie fell on top of Katya and they kissed as they lay there in the dirt, not caring about anything but each other. She looked away from the plants quickly and walked through the gate and down the road, away from the life they had built together. This had never happened before. They usually talked through their problems before they became something serious but this was one problem they had never resolved. She walked for about twenty minutes before reaching a bar. Raising an eyebrow, she sighed, checking in her bag to find her purse.

Five shots and three glasses of wine later, things were beginning to blur into each as she stumbled out of the bar into the dark, her eyes, now filled with tears, landed on a bright red sign, "Tattoos." She walked towards the door and opened it, finding the shop to be almost entirely closed, she didn't remember anything that happened after that.

Katya stood shocked as the door closed behind Trixie. She knew that Trixie loved her but she couldn't understand why Trixie would never say it to her. She wanted to go after her but couldn't bring herself to move, neither of them had ever raised their voices at the other and Katya was still struggling to process what had happened. Sitting down on the couch, she held her head in her hands as small sobs escaped her. She didn't want to lose Trixie, she loved her too much. Trixie was her everything, her light in the dark, the calm in the storm and now she was gone. Katya stayed on the couch crying for a couple of hours, before her body gave up and she passed out.

It wasn't until her phone rang at around eight the next morning that she finally opened her eyes again. She picked up her phone "Hello," she said, flinching as her voice sounded hoarse and croaky. "Hi, umm, I'm sorry, umm can we talk?" she heard, relieved that Trixie still wanted to talk to her, "Yes, of course, are you ok? You didn't come home yesterday," She said, realising that Trixie had spent the night outside. "Yes, I'm fine, umm, could you come and get me please?" She asked, her voice small. "Of course, where are you?" Katya asked, her eyes widening as she heard Trixie's reply.

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