The Airport - 2

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It was around 11 in the evening when Katya finally woke up. She was still buried in Trixie's side, she glanced up to see Trixie's brown eyes open and looking down at her. "Hi," Katya said quietly. "Hi," Trixie replied, smiling at Katya. "What is that?" Trixie exclaimed as she stared down at the top of Katya's head. "W-what?" Katya said, startled as she looked up at Trixie. Trixie felt Katya tense in her arms and she rubbed her back gently. "You're ok, What is that on your head?" Katya took a deep breath, immediately relaxing as she felt Trixie's hand on her back. "My ears?" she asked, confused at Trixie's shock. "You have ears?" Katya nodded, standing her ears upright and watching as Trixie's mouth opened and she sat up quickly, pulling Katya up with her. "Are you moving them?" she asked, watching as Katya twitched both of her ears, frowning at Trixie's question and nodding. "C-can I touch them?" Katya nodded and bowed her head, she expected Trixie to tug on them as that was the most common reaction but she didn't. Katya shuddered as she felt Trixie's hand scratch around her ears before finally touching them gently. Katya climbed onto Trixie's lap, Trixie chuckling as the shorter blonde nuzzled into her hand, curling up into a ball in her lap. Katya felt herself reaching a new level of serenity as Trixie scratched her ears. Nobody had treated her with such care in her entire life and it made tears well up in her eyes knowing that she had only known Trixie for two days and yet she was already being so kind .

Trixie heard Katya sniffle and panicked thinking she was hurting her. She stopped, removing her hand immediately and leaning down to check Katya was ok. Katya whined as Trixie removed her hand and she sat up to look at her, a frown on her face. "Am I hurting you?" Trixie said, scanning Katya's face to make sure she was fine. She shook her head immediately, her eyes flicking to Trixie's hand. "Why are you crying?" Trixie asked. Katya blushed, feeling stupid for crying at something so small, "Umm, I, I've, um, C-could you keep going please?" she said, so quietly it was almost a whisper. Trixie smiled, nodding and pulling Katya back into her chest and returning the hand that was scratching her ears. Katya hummed and leaned against her. "Thank you, no-one has bothered to hold me like this, ever." She said quietly, closing her eyes. Trixie felt her heart break at Katya's statement. She wondered what Katya's life had been like before she escaped. She knew that it hadn't been great based on what had been said, but she didn't think it would have been that bad. "Wait," Trixie exclaimed, "Where's your tail?" She asked, continuing to scratch Katya's head. "Oh, I um, it's tucked into the waistband of the shorts, I didn't think you wanted to see it." She muttered, looking guilty. "Why?" Trixie asked. "Umm, because you turned around when you saw it earlier." She said, whining a little and pressing her head against Trixie's hand as her movement stopped. Trixie frowned, gently nudging Katya to look at her. "Baby, that wasn't because of your tail," Katya face dropped, tears welling up in her eyes once again, "Oh, I-I'm sorry," she stammered, thinking Trixie had turned around because of her body. Trixie felt Katya pull away from her and she gasped, "No, sweetie I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, you're beautiful, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable." She said, "Why would that make me uncomfortable?" Katya asked, frowning. "I, never mind," Katya shoulders dropped, thinking Trixie was lying. "Look," Trixie continued, seeing the expression on Katya's face, " I just want you to be comfortable and I didn't know if you wanted me to see your body, no matter how beautiful it is." Katya nodded slowly, still a little confused but relieved by Trixie's statement.

"Do you want something to eat Kitten?" Trixie said, trying to change the subject. Katya shook her head, biting her lip as her stomach rumbled. "You sure?" Trixie asked, giggling. Katya blushed, burying her head in Trixie's chest, embarrassed. Trixie kept laughing as she wrapped her arms around Katya. "Stop," Katya whined, her stomach rumbling once again. "Sorry," Trixie said, struggling to hold back her laughter, she kissed the top of Katya's head lightly and stood up, Katya looked up, startled by the sudden loss of contact, "I'll order some Chinese, what would you like?" Katya crossed her legs and sat looking up at Trixie, "I've never had it before," she said fidgeting with hands in her lap. "You eat human food right? You don't eat like, cat food, do you?" Trixie asked, "No," Katya interrupted, her eyes widening as she realised what she had done, "I'm sorry, I'll eat whatever you would like me to eat," she said bowing her head, afraid that she had crossed a line. "Hey, calm down, you don't need to worry, what food do you normally eat?" Trixie said, gently taking Katya's hands and rubbing them with her thumb. "Violet always gave me cat food, but I umm, I," She faltered, not knowing if she was allowed to continue, Trixie nodded reassuringly "I prefer normal food." Trixie smiled, "Thank you. Let me go and grab a menu and we can look through it together and pick something you might like, ok?" Katya nodded, whining a little as Trixie dropped her hands.

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