The airport

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Hieeeee, this is quite a long one by my standards. Sorry a lot of my stories follow the same kind of idea, it's just what I like writing, but I will try and write some different ones and maybe some sequels soon. I've been working on this for a while so I really hope you enjoy it. Byeeeeeee


Katya was sitting alone in the interview room, desperately trying to stop her hands from shaking. What had she done wrong? She had done exactly what she was told, so why had they taken her away.

Trixie was stood by the x-ray machines at the airport. "Next," she called out, a small blonde girl walked through the scanner and the red light flashed. "Miss," she said, the girl looking up at her with fearful eyes, "are you carrying anything you shouldn't be, so weapons or sharp objects?" the girl shook her head. "Ok, could you spread your arms and legs, I need to pat you down quickly?" the girl started shaking but instead of doing as she was told, she wrapped her arms tightly around her stomach and pathetically stammered, "P-please... please don't t-touch me, Ma'am." Trixie frowned, "Miss, the quicker you co-operate the easier this will be." The girl stood frozen, "I c-can't, M-ma-am, I'm S-sorry," she whispered, glancing around and shrinking into herself at the amount of people staring at her. Trixie followed her gaze around the room and thought it might be easier for the girl in private. "I have to ask you to come with me please, Miss," the girl nodded and Trixie placed a hand on the girls shoulder, guiding her away from the security block and towards the interview rooms. Walking towards the doors, she called to the person at the desk, "Hey, can you put her in 21A please, don't touch her and leave her alone in the room please, Max," the man nodded and stood up. "Come on then," he called to the girl. Trixie watched the two walk away through the doors and noticed how tense the girls shoulders were and how much she was shaking.

Katya had been sitting alone in the room for twenty minutes, the scary man at the desk had told her to sit down and then left. Katya held her hands tightly on the desk in front of her and tried desperately to keep them from shaking. Hearing a sound outside the door, she couldn't stop the pathetic whimper that left her lips. The door opened and the woman from security walked into the room, closing and locking the door behind her. She was tall, with long, blonde hair and brown eyes. Katya was terrified, holding herself tightly and refusing to make eye contact with the woman who had just walked into the room. "What's your name?" the woman said, sitting down on the chair opposite Katya. "K-katya," she stammered, the blonde rolled her eyes, "Full name," she said. "Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, Ma'am." The woman stood up and Katya flinched, whimpering again. "You went through the scanner and the alarm went off, I just need to pat you down and if you aren't carrying anything dangerous you can leave, Ok?" Katya gulped, she needed to leave, she couldn't breathe trapped in that small room. She nodded slightly and stood up shakily. "Thank you, now can you spread your arms and legs please?" Katya did as she was told, and the woman smiled at her, "Thank you." She walked towards Katya and frowned as the girl flinched, her eyes screwed shut and her hands shaking. "Hey, calm down, it's ok," Trixie said. "P-please be q-quick, Ma'am," the girl said and Trixie quickly frisked her arms and legs.

"I'm nearly done, can you turn around please?" Katya whimpered, "W-why, ma'am?" she said, barely audibly, "just procedure, I need to check you aren't carrying anything dangerous." Katya gulped, knowing she was caught, she turned around, her muscles tensing as she felt the woman's hands on her legs. Katya began silently crying as the woman ran her hands over her back. "What is that?" Katya sobbed, staying frozen in place as tears ran down her face. "If you tell me what that is then this will be easier for both of us," the woman said staring at the back of Katya's head. "M-m-my t-tail," Katya stammered through her tears, flinching as she felt the woman lifting up the back of her shirt. "What the hell are you?" she said, pulling up Katya's shirt even more. "Ma'am, please don't," Katya said, turning slowly around, causing the woman to let go of her shirt.

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