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*If you are confused about anything in this story, please visit The Reborn Series HANDBOOK.*


I was walking down a path that I had found a few years back. It's always so peaceful here. It's a dirt path that leads through a huge patch of woods in between two new condo developments.

Suddenly I heard a twig crunch. I turned around just in time to see someone flying at me at a un human speed. The person grabbed me and held their hand over my mouth. My eyes widened as they came down in sniffed my neck. i

"It's been awhile, hasn't it Lucia?" A think british voice floated into my ears. I struggled in my kidnappers arms.

"No need to freight. Im not going to hurt you. I just plan to take you back to where you belong." I looked up and into my holders deep brown eyes as a tear rolled down my face. His hand left my mouth and made its way into my hair. For some reason I couldn't scream though.

"shhh love. It's alright." The voice soothed in my ear. My body went limp and legs became weak at his voice.

"Come with us princess." I different voice said before a set of lips kissed my hand. All I could do is shake. I was scarred but also intrigued.

Suddenly we were no longer in the woods. We were instead in front of a huge house.

"Welcome home, love." A third voice said. The guy holding me handed me to a different set of arms that picked me up bridal style. I looked at his face. He had a mop of black curly hair, green eyes, and a smirk planted across is face. Something about this boy made me feel safe and make me want to cuddle up to him.

He brought me into the house and up the stairs in dangerously high speed. He took me into a room that was cluttered with clothes and pillows.

"Sorry about the mess. I just didn't think we would find you so soon my dear Lucia."

"Who's Lucia?" I managed to get out.

"We will explain everything in the morning. For now, sleep." He kissed my head and then my wrist before exiting the room.

This is the moment when most people would make a run for the door and try to get out but I felt safe here for some reason. I don't know why but I did. Pus I was to tired to worry about an escape plan. Maybe in the morning.....

That's when I drifted off into the darkness.

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