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Bea's POV

"Please wake up, Bea! We need you!" I heard a Irish voice beg as his hand ran through my hair.

"Niall?" I asked weakly, trying to open my eyes.

"Bea! Are you ok? Can you open your eyes." I felt a pair of lips land on my cheek in desperation.

"Yeah I'm fine and I'm working on it." I muttered.

"Boys! She is awake!" He

yelled. I heard 6 feet scampering up into my room.

"Where here!" Liam announced.

"Are you ok, love?" Zayn asked sweetly as he took my hand, kissing it softly. A smile played on my lips.

"Yeah I will be." I answered.

"Who isn't here?" I asked, sensing only 4 boys.

"Harry is beside you. Doctor Mathew injected some sort of poison into him. Liam didn't think it was fatal but he did pass out." I still couldn't seem to gather enough strength to peel open my eyes but I could wiggle my hand over to Harry's warm body. I tried to identify what poison with the little energy I had.

I grabbed his hand with mine and began processing the type of poison.

"Guys, this is more than just a harmless poison.....Go to my spell room, there should be a generic antidote. But hurry, he doesn't have much time. " I spoke slowly. I gripped onto Harry's hand tightly before passing out from lack of energy.

Liam's POV

"Guys, this is more than just a harmless poison.....Go to my spell room, there should be a generic antidote. But hurry, he doesn't have much time. "She barely got out before passing out from exulting herself.

"Oh god.....can this day get any worse?" Zayn groaned.

"Zayn, cheer up lad. Bea is ok and after we get Harry that antidote, he will be too. Then we can kill the evil witch and ride into the distance on white horses and Bea right there by our side." Louis said, trying to cheer us up.

"He's right but only if we hurry. We have no clue how long it's going to take to find something in Bea's unorganized spell room." Niall said as he walked out of the room. We followed close behind.


I looked around her spell room till I caught sight of a rack of bottles filled with various liquids. Finally! It only took an hour and a half of searching!

"Lads, look over here." I announced. Walking over to my discovery. All the bottles were labelled but some were in different languages.

The 3 lads appeared at my sides, helping me sort through the many mixtures.

"Yeah buddy! Found it!" Niall cheered.

"Let's go then!" We zoomed off with our vampire speed to our two unconscious friends.

When we walked into the room, Bea was staring at us with her big bright brown eyes.

"Hello, love. How ya doing?" I asked softly, crouching down beside her, down to her eye level.

"Been better." She chuckled lightly. I took her face in my hand and kissed her nose making her giggle adorably.

"Did you get the-" She started to ask but Niall held up the bottle answering her question.

"Good." She sighed in relief.

"I'll give it to him." I volunteered. I held my hand out to Niall and he dropped the small potion bottle into my hand.

I then walked over to Harry, Bea'a eyes trailing on me the whole time. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Sorry I'm staring. You guys are twice as attractive in high definition." She giggled and I smirked at her.

I opened Harry's mouth and poured in the potion.

"He should be better in a little bit." Bea told me and I nodded.

"But are you going to be ok?" Louis asked her.

"Yeah. But while I'm thinking about it, can you hand me those three potions off the table over

there?" She pointed to three glasses on a little table. Zayn nodded and handed them to her.

"Thank you Zayn." She smiled at him.

"What are they?" Niall asked.

"Well this one," She held up the first one. "Is raptîeelest. So I can show you guys what you have been missing." She winked at us. "Then this one," She held up a different one. "Is Wereghåst that turns us into werewolves. Although we probably won't take these for a few days so Harry's body can empty out all those toxins and I can get used to being dead."

"What about the last one?" I asked.

"This one is called hurlptastê and it dulls the blood lust so i don't kill whole villages......Like you guys did when you first turned."

"Cheater! You should have to suffer the thirst just like we did!" Louis whined and stuck his tongue out at her.

"Don't worry, it'll just take the edge off." She explained as she knocked it back.

"Now I am going to bed and I would like it a lot if you guys would join me because I am in a very cuddly mood at the moment." She said.

We nodded and slid into the custom made bed for 6. I snuggled into Bea, holding her tightly as if I didn't hold her tight enough, she would leave me.

"I love you, Bea." I whispered before kissing behind her ear.

"I love you too, Liam." Ahe whispered back as she grabbed my hand in hers, playing with my fingers.

Ahhhh, all was well again in our little world.


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If you have any questions that you would like to ask any of the characters, ask them in the comments! Next chapter, the characters will answer all your questions in a game of Q&A. I would take advantage of this opportunity if I were you! You could get a inside look on Tisdale's evil plan! (; xx

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