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I was in a dark room. Black was everywhere.

"HELLO?!" I screamed. My words echoed through the room.

"You should know by now Lucia. Never mess with me." A voice said.

"Who are you?" I searched the room for whoever was talking.

"You know who I am." The voice said.

"Tisdale?" I asked.

"The one and only." I heard her cackle and I involuntarily shivered.

"Why are you in my head?" I asked.

"Oh I'm not just in your head. I have completely taken over your whole body. Now I can easily just throw you of a cliff or feed you to a shark and you can't do anything about it." I could hear the smirk in her voice.

A image appeared in front of me, almost like a movie screen. It was a cliff and I could see my arms balancing myself on the edge ready to fall. I could hear the wind pushing me towards my death but I couldn't feel a thing. I realized that i was indeed, a prisoner of my own body.

"Why?" My voice cracked with fear.

"Oh because Lucia, you ruined my life. You took away every guy I have ever wanted. You have always been the better witch so now, you must die."

"Bea!" I heard a new voice scream. Tisdale turned me around so I could see five boys running toward me.

"Bea, what are you doing?" Zayn asked. Tears were rolling down their faces and their eyebrows were scrunched up with confusion.

"But first, these boys need to die first." Tisdale said. I tried to yell to the boys to run but they couldn't hear me because I didn't have control over my mouth.

"You see boys, I never loved you. I only stayed with you because you were good in bed. I have been working with Tisdale ever since my return and now, it's time for you to die." Tisdale made me say.

"Nooooo!" I screamed.

"Shut up, child." Tisdale hissed.

"That's not true. You love us. You have to. Please don't do this." Niall begged.

I saw Tisdale raise my hand and freeze the boys in place.

" Truth is, I have been waiting for this day since we met." I heard myself say.

"No no no! Stop this!" I cried.

"Now I just have to decide on a way to kill you. How about I let my little demon friends eat you. It's the most painful death a vampire can imagine." She made me say with a smirk.

I saw demons rise from the ground around my feet and slither toward the boys. Fear was evident on their faces.

I had to stop this.

"Bea! Bea!" The boys started chanting. what are they doing?

"Bea! Wake up!" Harry screamed at me.

Wait, this is a dream?

I creaked open my eyes to see five heads hovering above me.

"Are you ok, Bea?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Yeah I will be. Just a terrible dream."

"Want to tell us about it?" Zayn asked and I shook my head.

"It was really bad." I told them truthfully.

"How about we get some Nutella to get your mind off it?" Louis suggested.

One direction's "little" secret {FINISHED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora