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Bea's POV

I felt like my body was on fire. Eating me alive from the inside, out. I let out a scream as the pain spread through my body.

Through my tears of pain, I saw Liam looking down at me. He looked helpless as I my screams bounced off the walls. I could faintly hear Louis shushing me and trying to tell me it's going to be ok. Harry was curled up in the corner, crying his eyes out. Niall was stroking my face soothingly as he hummed a song I couldn't recognize at the moment. Zayn was no where to be seen.

As the pain continued to spread and intensify, my eyes began to seep close. My body was going into lock down mode and that means the pain would subside. I excepted the darkness with open arms.

Harry's POV

It didn't take long before Bea passed out. I was super relived because I'm afraid if I had to listen to her pain filled screams any longer I would have killed myself.

I hated seeing her like that. It was a new side to her that I have never seen before.

"She's out, lads." Liam sighed.

"Why did we have to do that? Why are we listening to that dumb prophecy? Bea is becoming a vampire now for what? Just because a ancient witch said so? This is just so grrrrr." I rambled on angrily.

"Harry lad, it had to be done. We have a few hours before she is to wake up so how about we go get her some blood. She's going to need it." Niall suggested as he walked from the room. Louis briefly patted my back before following. Zayn was already down stairs, not being able to bear the pain she was going through.

"Im staying." I told Liam. He nodded before walking out of the room.

I looked at Bea's lifeless body laying on the bed. The things I would do to make her mine, only mine.

But according to that stupid prophecy, I'm going to be sharing her for the rest of infinity.

I picked up the very worn piece of paper, deciding to read it myself.

It was exactly how the boys told it with only a couple of differences. It was a piece near the top that caught my attention.

It says that Bea is required to kill Tisdale all on her own.

How is she going to manage that? Yeah she is going to be a hybrid but that isn't going to increase her witchy it?

15 minutes later of just sitting, staring at her limp body, I heard a groan. I looked over at her and noticed she was starting to stir.

I loved how everything she did looked so elegant. Even sprawled out on the bed, her hair a mess, her clothes clinging to her sweaty body, and face completely clear of makeup; she was still absolutely gorgeous.

"Bea?" I whispered quietly.

I got silence in response. Good, she isn't awake yet. The longer she is out, the less pain she will feel.

I looked at the potions that she had brought in earlier. One I recognized as raptîeelest. Of course she would want some of that herself. The other one I wouldn't have known what it was unless it had the label on it. Wereghåst. I guess it's the stuff that turns you into a werewolf.

"Hey Harry, were back!" Louis yelled through the house. As soon as he said that, the sharp smell of blood filled my nose, causing a hum to leave my mouth.

"It's not for you silly boy!" Niall chuckled as he entered the room.

"I know. I think she's about to wake up though." I said, gesturing to her twitching fingers.

"She's not due to wake up for at least another hour and a half. We weren't out that long." Liam told me causing me to sigh in disappointment.

"Im sorry lad. We are all really anxious for her to wake up but you need to calm down a bit. Your eyes have been red since we turned her." Louis clapped my shoulder before walking from the room.

My eyes have been red that long?

I looked in the mirror and sure enough they were. Maybe I do need to calm down just a bit.

"I think your underestimating her, Harry. She's not only a tough girl but she is also a tough witch."

I just nodded, returning my gaze to Bea. Niall, Zayn, and Liam came up beside me and wrapped their arms around me.

I sighed when i thought about how much nicer this hug could be if Bea was apart of it. This just caused them to hold me tighter. I would be lying if I said that I didn't love these boys.

"You are having a group hug and didn't invite me?!" We heard Louis gasp from the doorway, feigning hurt.

We chuckled at his maturity level.....Or lack of.

He walked over to Bea and put a glass of warm blood on the nightstand before joining our hug.

We pulled away only when she began to whimper.

"What's wrong with her?" Niall asked looking at Bea who was now clenching the covers and breathing heavily.

"She's in pain." Louis sighed, suddenly serious.

"But she's out! Isn't that supposed to keep the pain away?" I asked, trying to keep my voice some what calm.

This isn't supposed to happen......

"I don't know......" Liam breathed, forehead creased in worry.

"We will just have to wait and see what happens." Zayn, who has been practically quiet this whole time, announced sadly.

I put my head in my hands, dreading the outcome.


Woah, what do you think about Harry's thoughts on Bea turning? Sexy right? xx

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