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I awoke in a completely empty bed.

"That's not weird at all." i muttered to myself.

You see, I always have to wake Zayn up and sometimes this is almost scary.

I crawled out of the warm bed and walked down the cold stairs.

"Guys?" I called.

"In here." Liam yelled. I followed the voice into the kitchen, where they were all gathered around the table drinking tea. Yes, vampires can eat and drink human food but it doesn't do anything towards filling them up.

"What are you doing up so early?" I looked majorly at Zayn when i said this.

"Love, look at the clock. Not even I sleep that late." Zayn chuckled.

I looked at the clock and it read 3:00pm.

"Holy shit." I cursed and the boys chuckled.

"You must have been pretty tired from last night." Niall winked.

"Must have." I giggled.

"Hungry?" Harry asked and i nodded.

"What do you want?"

"French toast!" I smiled.

"Really? Not the usual?" He looked at me strangely and I nodded.

"OH MY GODESS!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" The boys asked all at once.

"I LEFT MY NUTELLA ON THE PORCH!" I screeched and scurried out the front door.

There, sitting in its full glory, was my jar of Nutella. I sighed in relief and wiped invisible sweat from my brow. I picked it up and was about to go inside when something caught my eye. A note.

I picked the piece of paper off the wood floor. It was written in brilliant handwriting that was so perfect it could only be achieved by someone who has had plenty of practice. Like a vampire. A highly educated vampire.

The note read;


Dear Lucia,

It has been awhile hasn't it, my dear Lucia? I cant explain to you how much I am overjoyed at your return. Although you probably are quite busy, I hope you would consider meeting up with me so I can explain myself about my recent actions. I am truly sorry about what happened before and I want you to know that I still love you. I no longer work for HER, for your sake.

Your lover,

Finn Hemlock


"My lover my butt." I grumbled.

"How long does it take to get Nutella off the front porch?" Harry asked, poking his head out the door.

I turned around with a aggravated look on my face. Why wouldn't I be annoyed? Can't believe the nerve of this guy!

"What's wrong, love?" He asked, his forehead scrunched up in confusion and worry.

I didn't say a thing, I just shoved the letter in his direction. He took it and started reading it silently. I pinched the bridge of nose.

Why couldn't people just leave me alone?

I heard Harry let out a growl, signaling he finished the letter. I looked up and our eyes met. They were full of anger and frustration. He pulled me into a tight hug and rested his chin on my head.

"We need to show the others." He whispered and I nodded, not wanting to let go. This is one of those moments that I really just needed a hug.

"What's going on out here?" Louis came out of the house and Harry handed the letter to Louis.

"That little bitch...." Louis cussed after finishing the letter. He angrily made his way inside of the house and we followed, Harry attached to me still.

"What happened?" Niall asked concerned when we walked into the kitchen.

"Finn." Louis spat.

"Finn? Finn Hemlock?" Liam gasped and I nodded.

"What does he want?" Zayn asked, confused. Louis handed him the letter and Zayn read it out loud.

"Who the fuck does he think he is? That cunt." Niall hissed.

I probably should explain. Finn was my mortal best friend when I was a child. We did everything together until we turned 15, when we started dating. We were high school sweethearts before there was such thing as school.

I was about 19 when I found out I was a witch. I started trying to distance myself from all mortals, including Finn. I was afraid i would hurt them. Finn tried and tried to find me but never could until Tisdale came to him when he was 40 and turned him into a vampire. She promised if he would work for her, she would find me for her. This is before me and Tisdale knew each other.

When me and Tisdale met, she was really sweet and taught me everything I knew at the time. My witch parents died when I was 13 because of an 'Indian attack' so I had no one to teach me. The whole time I was with her, me and Finn never knew that we were in the same building as each other. Only Tisdale knew. I was a very naive girl at the time.

Tisdale and I became enemies once I found out that she actually killed my parents and turned Finn into a vampire slave.

I saw Finn a long while later and instead of the happy-ever-after reunion that you would expect, he captured me and brought me to Tisdale. That was right before she seriously killed me. I, as you know reincarnated, but he mind as well have killed me himself.

"Bea! Bea!" Louis yelled.


"Your crying..." Zayn told me.

I brought my hand up to my face and sure enough, I was.

"Did you hear a word we were saying?" Liam asked. His eyebrows creased together in worry.

I slowly shook my head and he sighed. Niall pulled me into a tight hug.

"Are you ok, love?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." I breathed. Niall's hugs are amazing.

"You..You don't still love him, do you princess?" Niall asked sadly.

"No! He hurt me. Any way, I have you guys!" I forced a smile on my face.

"Awh!"The guys cooed and hugged me all at once.

Well I don't think I still love him.....Do I?


100 votes? Won't update until then! I believe in you loves!

Also, I'm looking for a new cover! Send me one through private msg and I will dedicate a chapter to who ever's I like best! xx

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