Chapter 3

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"NO! NO, NO, NO, NO NO!!!!!!!" cried Fiona. "There is no way I'm marrying you!"

"Same goes for me, princess." said Shane, with disgust.

"I'm filing a complaint." said Fiona, holding the card in her hand.

"You can't. Remember what Mrs. Alzetta said, you have to marry your partner, or you will get a zero for this project." replied Shane.

"Ughh! I forgot about that." said Fiona, shaking her head. The surprise was too much for her.

"Guess we'll have to get married." said Shane with a shrug.

"Wait a second, just wait." said Fiona, rethinking the whole plan in her head. "Let me see your clues."


"Just do it!" Fiona yelled at him.

Shane gave her all his clues and cards. Fiona read them. After a few seconds, she starts to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Shane asked, confusion in his face.

"Nothing, it's just that..... these clues don't make any sense, well except for the clue with my name in it." said Fiona, handing back his cards.

"What?!? Let me see yours." said Shane.

Fiona handed him her cards, and he read them. He let out a snicker.

"It's funny, because all the clues in this card match me." he said with simple arrogance in his tone.

"What??!!" cried out Fiona. "You are NOT, let me repeat, NOT sensitive and sweet."

"Well, you're not the brightest sun in the classroom." said Shane. "Or particulalry pretty."

Ouch. thought Fiona. But she shrugged it off. "Listen to me, you little brat," she began. "Since we're going to get "married", I need you to-"

"Do all the work?" he said, smirking.

"NO! I meant to actually get me an A on this assignment, so I can graduate, so you have to give this project a try, instead of brushing it off like you usually do." she replied.

"Ok, but it isn't going to be fun marrying a whiny, impulsive person like you." he said.

Fiona twitched. He was really messing with her. "Well, it won't be fun marrying a selfish, disorganized, lazy twerp like you either!" she yelled to him. Fiona then walked away from the garden, fuming, Ohh, if Shane doesn't try in this marriage, then she will really let him have it.


Mrs. Altezza looked at the security cameras that were placed in one of the blooming flowers. She saw the two of her students, whom she put together for this class marriage, already arguing like they're 30 years into a real marriage already.

"Well, this is going to be interesting." she said, while sipping her coffee, with a mug labeled "Best teacher ever!"


Fiona entered her dorm room, frustrated about all the things that had happened today. I can't believe this happened today. Anyone, she could've picked ANYONE! But why him?!? Why my mortal enemy?!? They have been enemies since childhood, ever since he destroyed her sandcastle that she had worked 2 whole hours to build, and critisized her after. Fiona would never forget that incident. It happened like this.

"Whew! Finally finished!" 5-year old Fiona Shine said as she finished building her sandcastle. Her sister Regina was swimming in the ocean. Fiona didn't feel like swimming today, so she decided to play in the sand. "It looks awesome." she said as she patted her beautifully built sandcastle.

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