Chapter 8

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Shane woke up pretty early in the morning, about 7 o'clock. He opened his eyes, and had a surprise waiting for him. Fiona was laying beside him, still sleeping like the dead. Shane smiled. I knew she couldn't resist. he sighed. But got up, and started the day.

After a while, Fiona woke up as well. She opened her eyes, light blurring into her pupils. What time is it? she though groggily. Then she suddenly remembered. Oh my god, I slept on the bed last night, with Shane. WHAT THE HELL?! she looked around, but didn't see Shane anywhere. He probably went downstairs. thought Fiona, as she quickly went down to find him.

She reached the kitchen, and sees Shane preparing breakfast. He smiled, when he saw her, and she gave him a scowl. "Morning, princess, enjoyed last night?" he said, smirking.

Fiona scowled. "You idiot, we didn't do anything, and by the way, it's not like I asked to get on your bed. You burned the blanket I was supposed to use, and I couldn't sleep here, without getting hypothermia."

Shane smirked again. "Sure, or did you just want to cuddle with me."

Fiona pretended to vomit. "Gross, why would anyone even WANT to cuddle with you." she said, disgusted.

Shane laughed. "Well, I'll let you know, so many girls want too," he said proudly.

Fiona rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mrs. Alzetta said the heater will be here in a month, so you sleep on your side of the bed, and I'll sleep on mine."

Shane pretended to frown. "You sure? Cause in my mind, I bet you can't keep your hands off of me." he said.

Fiona fumed. "Well, who was the one putting their arm around me last night, and refusing to let go, no matter how many times I said your name?!"

Shane made a disgusted face, "Eww, I touched you?! That's just great, I have your germs all over me now."

Fiona grew silent, not saying anything back to him. Shane suddenly felt guilty about what he had said.

"Look, I didn't mean-" He started to say. But before he could finish, two eggs were thrown right into his face. He was in shock.

"What the HELL?!" he began.

Fiona laughed. "HAHAHAHAHA! That's what you get, you stupid, perverted brat!" She suddenly got a face full of pancakes, on her face, they slid down, and left her entire upper body, sticky and filled with syrup.

She growled. "Oh, it is ON!" Fiona yelled, as she started grabbing random items from the table next to her.

The little argument in the morning, started a full on food fight. Fiona threw all kinds of breakfast items at Shane, while he grabbed everything from the fridge and threw it at her. Although, they were technically still fighting, it was kinda fun, both of them admitted to themselves. Unfortunately, during their huge food fight, they did not pay attention to a specific person, unlocking their door, and proceeding to the kitchen, after hearing some voices.

"Take that!" yelled Fiona, as she threw 3 rotten eggs at Shane. He dodged the eggs, but they ended up hitting the person behind him.

"What in the world is going on here?!"

Both Fiona and Shane froze. They know that voice too well to be wrong. Both of them turned around, sideways, and stood face to face with a very angry... Mrs. Alzetta.

"Mrs. Alz-Alzetta! What a surprise!" Fiona stuttered, as she felt her cheeks grow red.

"Okay, good lord, the kitchen is a mess? What were you guys thinking?!" scolded Mrs. Alzetta, as she picked the shells of the eggs of her blouse.

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