Chapter 2

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Regina went on her way to the jewlery store, daydreaming of who her partner might be. I wonder what would happen if I got Bright, then we can wake up next to each other every morning, he'll tell me how beautiful I look, then he'll kiss me and say "I love you"! Oh my gosh!! Regina was so in her daydream, that she almost missed the entrance to the jewlery store.

"Oh! Here it is" said Regina as she entered the store. The owner saw her and handed her a sapphire necklace.

"Oh? For me?" asked Regina. She loved jewlery,espiecially blue ones which match her skin tone. But before she could put it on, the sapphire necklace opened and it turned out to be a locket. There was a clue in the locket. The clue was:

Everywhere here, lives the spirit of your partner.

I wonder what that means.Regina thinks as she walks out of the store, the necklace also reveals her next destination, the Wonder Theme Park. She put the necklace on and went on her way.


Fiona has arrived at the Meadow behind the school. She looked for clues around the grass, but she didn't find anything. In a distance, she saw a figure. She ran up to it, and found out that it's the headmaster.

"Headmaster, what are you doing here?" asked Fiona.

"Oh, just walking around, you know I usually go for walks around this time, and the meadow is somewhere where I can find peace instead of stress." replied the headmaster.

"Oh, well have you seen any clues around here? I mean I've been looking forever and I still can't find my link." said Fiona.

"Oh, wait are you Fiona Shine from Mrs. Alzetta's class?" he asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Oh, well I'm sorry I was supposed to hand this letter to you, but I guess I sort of forgot. Walking can make you feel like nothing can bother you. Here." He said as he handed her a card.

On the card it read one single word:
I wonder what that means. thought Fiona. On the back of the card, it revealed her next destination, the bakery.

Fiona hurriedly put her card away and went to the bakery.


When Regina reached the Theme Park, she saw alot of people, espiecially children.

How am I supposed to find a clue in this crowd? she thought. She slowly went to the bottle toss game, and asked the manager.

"Hi! I'm Regina Shine, did a teacher or someone come here and hid a card or something?"

The manager smiled at her and replied. "Well, in fact she did, all you need to do is win this bottle toss game, and I'll give you the clue."

Regina sighed. This must be one of Mrs.Alzetta's riddles. She sucked at these games, it was usually Fiona who was good at these games. But for the sake of the clue, she's going to have to try and hit all those bottles.

Regina grabbed a ball from the side. She aimed at the bottles and tossed the ball. Unfortunately the ball didn't hit the bottles, in fact it was way off from hitting it. She tried a second time, but she hit the manager instead. The manager grabbed his eye and yelled in excruciating pain.

"OH MY GOSH! I am so sorry!" Apologized Regina.

"Its ok." Said the manager rubbing his head. He gave her the final ball.

Regina sighed. There's no point in even trying anymore. She was going to miss no matter what. She threw the ball randomly and expecting it to hit the ground. To her surprise, the ball hits the bottles and it completely fell onto the ground.

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