Chapter 11

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What?! thought Regina, as she scorched away from Brian. Did he- Did he just say Fiona? Regina was in shock. She looked at Booker and Brianna for their reaction, but unfortunately, they were lying on the ground together, fast asleep.

They probably missed the part where he confessed his love for my...sister. thought Regina, as she turned around to look at Brian. He had also passed out.

"Hahaha, you smell funny." said Fiona, as she walked back into the room. Shane was behind her, wiping stuff off his shirt.

"You just barfed all over me." said Shane in disgust.

"Whatever," said Fiona, waving her hand. "Get used to it."

"Well, I'm beat, so g'night." said Fiona, lying on the couch. Shane quickly passed out on the floor.

Regina stared at both of them, smiling. Hilarious. I need to take a picture. she thought, as she pulled out her phone, but then her gaze moved towards the room, and suddenly remembered a very important moment that happened. No, she thought. It's not her fault, it's mine, I guess I really wasn't thinking about who Brian really loves. Regina sighed. Her eyes were becoming blurry, and before she knew it, tears were falling from her eyes.


Fiona woke up the next morning, with a very strong headache. What is this feeling? I don't remember anything... she looked around the room, and saw mostly everyone else still sleeping. Oh, right we had a party. she thought. Fiona got up from the couch, and went to the bathroom. She still feels very sick to her stomach. Ugh, remind me to not drink alcohol again. she thought, as she looked in the mirror.

Fiona heard some rustling behind her, and she turned around. "Oh hey, Regina glad to see you're looking better than me." she said.

Regina shrugged. "I just didn't drink so much, like everyone else did. Especially you and the guys."

Fiona blushed. "Well, yeah last night was pretty wild. We did some weird things."

Regina smiled. It was a sad smile. "Yeah, a lot of crazy things happened." she said.

"So, do you want to go get breakfast after everyone wakes up?" Fiona asked. "We can go to the bakery, Mrs. Buntart made the best cupcakes for-"

"No thanks." Regina snapped. Fiona blinked for a second. Wow, did something happen? I usually never see Regina get mad before. she thought, as she stared at her sister curiously. "What's wrong? You seem a little off today."

Regina smiled. "Nothing. I'm fine, I just don't want to get breakfast today. Still a bit tired, why don't you get Brianna or Shane to go with you, I'm sure they'd love to." she said.

Fiona could tell something was wrong. Regina never acted like this before, she looked...hurt. But by who? It's best not to ask too many questions. thought Fiona, as she nodded. "Alright, I'll go ask." she said, as she left the bathroom. When she reached the living room, everyone was yawning and waking up.

"Man, that was a wild night." said Booker, as he got up from the floor.

"Agreed." replied everyone else. "I can't believe we drank so much." said Brianna. "I usually never drink that much."

"Well, considering how irresponsible Booker can be, you actually drank a lot less than you should've." commented Brian.

"Hey!" said Booker, as he threw a book at him. "That was rude."

"Well, I guess we should go home now. Thanks for the nice party." said Regina, as she bowed slightly. Everyone stared at her. "Well, I mean we still have a little-" started Brian. "Yeah, let's go." said Fiona, grabbing Shane by the arm. "I'm hungry, and you're serving me with Mrs. Buntart's delicious cupcakes." She looked at Regina one more time, before leaving the building. Regina smiled at her. Fiona could see through her smile. It was forced. Something is definitely wrong. she thought, as she dragged Shane to the bakery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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