Chapter One

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A/N - This will probably be the only author's note in this entire story so don't worry !! Please don't shy away from commenting and letting me know what you think, criticism will really help me improve my writing skills :) Please vote and let me know if you enjoy the story <3 

I hummed softly as I watched the bubbles float around my body, the quiet drip of the tap echoing from wall to wall. I ran my fingers up my arm, trickling droplets of soapy water over myself. I tilted my head back, staring at the blank ceiling as i tapped my fingers across my collarbone calmingly. 

My state of tranquility was interrupted by a hammering on the door. "Y/N hurry up, I need a shower" George's voice boomed. I sat myself up and stared at the door "leave me alone" I groaned. "You're 20 years old, you should not be spending hours in a bubble bath like a child" he complained jokingly. "Sorry I'm not a grandpa like you" I sniggered. 

There was silence for a few minutes so I assumed that he had gone back to his room. Suddenly, the bathroom door flung open and George came rushing in with a cup. He poured ice water over the top of me, causing me to jump up in shock. George fell to the ground and began rolling around, clutching his stomach with a high pitched laugh. 

I grabbed my towel from the side and wrapped it around my goosebump filled body.  I kicked George as I stepped over his body, letting out a huff of annoyance through my chattering teeth. 

Throwing one of George's hoodies over my head, I jogged down the stairs to the kitchen. I blasted kiwi by Harry Styles on the Alexa and began sliding around the kitchen with my socks, bobbing my head and singing along.  I threw the bacon and eggs into the pan, jumping back to avoid the spitting oil. 

I hopped around the kitchen, playing air guitar as I pulled two plates out of the cupboard. My eyes fell onto the window,  outside was engulfed in darkness. Lately I had been wrestling with many sleepless nights, I would rarely catch a glimpse of the golden rays that filled the day time due to my atrocious sleep schedule. I would often scold myself for it but I would never act on my embarrassment, the night time fascinated me far too much.  

Turning the music off, I balanced the plates in my hand and cheerily stepped and shimmied to George's room. I placed the plate on his desk beside him and he gave me a questioning look, "why have you made food at 4 in the morning?" He said with a low laugh. I grabbed the plate from his desk with a scowl, "fine, I guess I'll just eat it myself" he placed his hand over mine and pulled the plate towards him. "No no, I wasn't complaining" he smirked before pulling the plate from my hand. 

George took a bite and smiled, I placed a kiss on his cheek before skipping out of his room and into my room. When I pressed the button on my phone, I was met with a large red battery sign. Sighing dramatically, I plugged it in and started scoffing my food down. 

I decided to sit and read The Great Gatsby for a few hours, I loved using books as an escape. Books allowed me to experience other realities, it made me feel less stuck.  

With a tired sigh, I closed the book and placed it on my desk. I picked up my phone and was taken aback by the obscure amount of notifications that sat waiting for me on my phone. Hatred and disgust bombarded me all at once, people I didn't even know were calling me names. I grew overwhelmed with the negative attention as the room began to spin and a blur covered my vision. 

"George!" I bawled, crumbling to the floor in a puddle of sorrow. My chest had tightened as my fingers wrapped around my carpet, my emotions whirred swiftly around my head, making me dizzy. A pair of arms pulled me up and wrapped around me tightly as I sobbed helplessly. 

After an hour of tearful complaints, I had finally calmed down. Wrapping my hands around the mug of tea that George had kindly made for me, I let out a sniffle. George sat in front of me in the kitchen with a sympathetic stare. "I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you that I was streaming. I didn't expect that many fans to be that angry because they thought I had a girlfriend" He shook his head and lowered his eyes. "I can't believe they found all my socials from me being in your stream for 5 seconds" I whispered, my voice still croaky. 

George stood up and walked around the counter so that he was standing next to me. He placed his hand on my chin and tilted my head up so that we were looking at each other, "don't listen to them, you're beautiful and amazing" he muttered, rubbing his thumb across my cheek to catch the stray tears. 

His eyes lit up and he let out an excited gasp, "why don't you make the most of a bad situation and start streaming? Thousands of people were asking you to make videos so why not start profiting from it?" he suggested. I had always mocked George for streaming, it was something that didn't appeal to me but at this moment in time, it didn't seem like such a bad idea. 

We spent the next few hours going through the basics of streaming and playing Minecraft, George had bought a PC for me the Christmas before to encourage me to play Minecraft with him. Of course, I left it on my desk to sit and collect dust. 

I tweeted a link to my twitch, promising a stream in the next few days. I watched as the followers and subs began to roll in rapidly. Within an hour, I already had 100k followers. A blank stare rose to my face, my eyes were glued to the screen in disbelief. The shock was strong enough to subside the growing anxiety about thousands of people being able to form their own opinion on me without actually knowing me. 

I wrapped myself in the comfort of my sheets as I fell into a calm abyss of sleep. 

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