Chapter Three

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"George" I said menacingly, entering his room. He turned around, worry obviously laced in his expression. I wrapped my hands around his arm and yanked him from his chair. Pulling his headset from his head and bringing it to my mouth, I mumbled "he'll be back in an hour or two."

Multiple voices questioned what was happening but I had already pulled George to the door. 

I readjusted the camera on my window as George and I sat on my bedroom floor. "I was wondering where my camera went" he huffed, I shook my head and ignored his complaining. "Hello chat! How are you all?" I shouted cheerfully, waving at the camera. 

Leaning forward so that I could read the chat, I began replying to a few people. A donation showed up on the screen and George read it out loud, "hi Y/N! I've been having a really hard time lately and i don't know what to do. Do you have any advice on how to cope?" A frown placed itself on George's pretty face as his eyes moved from the screen to my face. 

"I'm so sorry to hear about that" I said with a frown. "When I was going through a hard time, I would write my emotions down in a little book and then burn it. Therefore the bad feelings would burn with the page" I explained, forcing a smile. George placed his hand on my forearm and squeezed it reassuringly. 

I held back my tears as bad memories flooded through the wall that I had built up in my mind. 

George was the only person who knew what I went through, I never talked about my tragedies to people as I didn't want people to pity me. As I grew up, I grew tired of the same sympathetic frown that I would always receive, it felt like the same look a child would give a broken toy. 

"Anyways" I said, clapping my hands together. "Today's stream is going to be fun, I'm going to do George's makeup and he's going to do mine" George's head snapped around as he narrowed his eyes at me with his mouth open. "You didn't inform me about this, I didn't agree to this" he groaned, leaning his head on my shoulder dramatically. 

"Well I bought you a cat two weeks ago so you owe me" I argued, he sat back up and shrugged, "fair enough". 

George spent the entire time scrunching his face up and screaming about me poking him in the eye with the eyeliner. He pretended to cry after I told him that he was being a big baby so I stared at the camera with a dead still face before dancing to the sound of his fake cries. 

When it was George's turn to do my makeup, I ended up with thick smears of colours and splodges of red lipstick all over my face. I insisted that I did my own mascara as I didn't trust his lack of hand eye coordination. 

As I met my own reflection in the mirror with the mascara wand in my hand, I realised that I hadn't put any lipstick on George. "What colour do you want your lipstick to be?" I asked, placing the wand against my eyelashes. There was no response. 

"Stop daydreaming, dumbass" I snapped, still concentrating on my mascara. "Oh sorry, what did you say?" he hummed. I repeated my question and he picked a random lipstick out of the bag and threw it at me with a giggle. 

"Okay guys, thank you for watching the stream! George wants to go and play Minecraft with his friends like a child" I laughed. George huffed before launching himself at me, tickling me whilst I screamed and tried to push him off me, unfortunately my delicate frame was no match for him. 

I spent the rest of the night reading and scrolling through twitter. Someone linked a youtube video in my replies and I decided to load it up on my computer. 

5 minutes of GeorgeNotFound simping for Y/N

The ridiculous title caused a breathless laugh to erupt from my chest. I copied the link and sent it to George, not wanting to disrupt his time with his friends again by going into his room. 

The first clip was from the time I brought food into his room and kissed his cheek, his face went a deep crimson colour and his eyes darted down to his keyboard. There were multiple clips of him holding the ice on my head and him looking at me whilst I was sat on his lap. 

The final clip was from the stream we did a few hours ago. I had the mirror held up to my face and his eyes seemed to be locked onto me. "What colour do you want your lipstick to be?" my voice played through the screen. 

His eyes moved from my eyes to my lips, pulling his lower lip between his teeth with a deep breath. "Stop daydreaming, dumbass" I snapped, he quickly darted his eyes away from me and rubbed his hand through his hair. 

I stood up from my chair and took a step back, my hands pulled into my hair. I couldn't tell which was more confusing, the fact that George looked at me like that or the fact that the pit of my stomach was burning with excitement. I found myself playing the video over and over again, analysing every aspect of his perfect face and its expressions. 

My face heated up every time his face showed on the screen, I rested my chin on my hand and leant towards the screen in fascination. 

My heart dropped to my stomach, what if all the little tokens of affection I had given him actually had meaning behind them? Was it possible that there had always been a secret infatuation behind my words and actions? Was this the same for him?

Pressing my palms against my eyes and leaning back, I took a breath. My mind raced with all the options, there were many ways to approach this situation. I decided almost instantly that I was just going to ignore it until it went away, I was not fond of the idea that a stupid video could ruin our friendship because there was no way that he felt that way for me. 

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