Chapter Eighteen

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"Are you sure you have to leave today?" I huffed, running my hands through Wilbur's hair. He was sat on the floor in front of the couch with one of his hands wrapped around my calf as I sat on the couch. Random youtube videos played on the TV as background noise as the pair of us mindlessly scrolled through social media. 

He rubbed his hand up and down my calf, resting his head against the couch and looking up at me. I leant forward so that I could see his face, cupping both my hands on his face with a pout. Pressing his lips together in a straight line, he nodded "I've been here for two whole weeks now, I was only supposed to stay for a week". 

Dropping my hands from his face, I threw myself backwards with a dramatic sigh. "I like having you here" I whined, crossing my arms across my chest. 

Wilbur let out a quiet chuckle before pulling himself from the floor and sitting beside me on the couch. I leant my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. "No, you just like the fact that I'm distracting you from what's happening with George" he stated, slight amusement in his tone. 

"Maybe" I hummed. I sat up and faced Wilbur with a smile, "I really appreciate the fact that you came here. Thank you". 

The sound of something repeatedly banging against the floor brought our attention to the stairs. George was dragging Wilbur's suitcase down the stairs, his cheeks slightly reddened from the struggle. "Wilbur, your Uber's here" he said between breaths. 

We both walked over to the front door where George was stood, leaning against the suitcase whilst checking his phone. Wilbur pulled George into a hug, they patted each other on the back whilst muttering a few words to each other. 

Once George pulled away from the hug, Wilbur turned to face me. A momentary look of sympathy washed over his face before he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tightly into him. 

Placing his hands on both of my shoulders, he stared at me with his eyebrows raised. "If you need anything, and I mean anything, give me a call" he said, the corners of his lips turning up slightly. I nodded in response, muttering a quiet thank you. 

As I watched Wilbur climb into the Uber, I couldn't ignore the feeling in the pit of my stomach. I didn't want to be alone in the house with George, knowing that he hated me. 

Turning on my heels, I made my way to my room. 

Luca was curled up on my pillow, purring quietly in his sleep. Jolting my bottom lip out and resting my hand on my chest, I admired the gentle cat. I envied the innocence he held and the lack of responsibility and worry that laid behind his eyes. I would do anything to be that care free. 

My door creaked quietly, revealing George with a mug in his hand. He made his way to my desk and placed it down before facing me with a smile. "I made you a drink" he smiled, leaning one hand on my desk behind him. 

The disgusted expression creeped onto my face without realising, growing tired of his mood swings. It didn't take him long to catch onto my hostile aroma as I stepped away from him slightly. His eyes fell onto Luca before he climbed onto my bed and snuggled his head into the fur of the small animal. 

"Get out" I said firmly through gritted teeth, refusing to let my expression change. 

He sat up, furrowing his eyebrows as if the past two weeks hadn't even happened. Running my hands through my hair, I let out a frustrated grunt. The anger I'd been holding in for weeks was beginning to boil in the pit of my stomach, preparing to infect my words. "Get the fuck out of my room" I snapped. 

He quickly rose to his feet, stepping towards me with his hands out. An alarmed expression replaced the smile on his face as I stepped further away from him. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. His fake cluelessness awakened an anger inside me that I didn't know I could harbour. I could feel my face heating up and my vision beginning to blur. I hated that I cried every time I was angry. 

"First of all, you act like I'm the most disgusting thing to walk this planet, then you buy me a bunch of-" I tugged at the sleeve of the hoodie. "A bunch of fucking reminders that my dad is dead" I shouted, throwing my arms into the air as his gaze fixated on the bug stitched onto my hoodie. 


Raising my hand to silence him, I closed my eyes with a deep exhale. "The library date was cute and I appreciated it but I don't need constant reminders that I killed my dad" I croaked, fighting back the waterfall of tears that threatened to escape with each word. 

"You didn't kill him, Y/N." He mumbled. 

"He died saving me, that makes me the cause of is death" I sniffled. 

When I opened my eyes, I was met with George's frown, refusing to take his eyes off the ground. "I didn't buy those hoodies" he muttered, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. 

My face contorted into confusion for a split second before returning to its coldness. "Was it Wilbur? I swear to god-"

"It wasn't Wilbur, it was- It doesn't matter okay?" he snapped. 

"What matters is that I'm tired of how you treat me" the neighbours could definitely hear me at this point, the longer he stayed in my room, the angrier and louder I got. Luca had ran out of the room at some point, clearly just wanting to sleep so I shut my bedroom door. 

George turned around, slamming his hand into the desk, causing the cup of tea to spill slightly onto my desk. "I was jealous, okay?" he snapped, keeping his back to me as he leant both his hands on my desk and hung his head low. "I saw how easily Wilbur could cheer you up and I hated that it wasn't me" he spoke in a low tone.  

I pulled my bedroom door open and gestured my hand towards it. "Yet again, I'm the one who has to suffer because you don't now how to express your feelings. Get. Out." I said as a single tear fell down my face. I had never met someone so emotionally exhausting. 

He stormed towards me, slamming the door shut as he stood in front of me. His eyes were bloodshot and traces of tears graced his cheeks. "I'm fucking trying" he croaked. 

He brought one hand to my throat as his other tangled in my hair, pulling me towards him. Our lips crashed together, the kiss was strong and hungry. His grip around my throat tightened as his other hand went under my hoodie and rested on my waist. 

My fingers laced through his hair, pulling it slightly as he began to lift my hoodie. We stumbled backwards onto the bed as George hovered over me. 

"I hate you" I mumbled, staring into his eyes. 

"I hate you too" he smiled before connecting our lips again. 

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