Chapter Eight

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I turned the page of the book as I took a bite of my toast, smiling at the words on the page. George's footsteps approached the kitchen as he opened the fridge with a quiet hum. 

"If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about her" he said, sitting himself in front of me with a smile. Shaking my head with a low chuckle, I corrected him "the quote says him, not her"

"I know" he said simply, taking a bite from the apple in his hand. 

"Since when did you read The Great Gatsby?" I questioned, quirking an eyebrow at his smiling face  "When we were 12 you wouldn't stop talking about classic novels, I read them all so that I had something to talk to you about" he confessed with an embarrassed chuckle. Placing my hand on my chest, I stared at the beautiful boy in admiration. 

In all honesty, I thought he had just read the summaries of the novels online when we were 12. 

Standing up, I placed my plate in the dishwasher and pulled the bobble from around my wrist. I accidentally dropped the bobble on the floor, letting out a frustrated huff as I watched it land beside George's feet. Picking it up, he ran his fingers through my hair with the bobble on his wrist. 

"I'll drive you to work" he said as he pulled my hair into a ponytail. He had gotten used to doing this for me from the amount of times he had to tie my hair out of the way of my drunken sickness when we were teenagers. 

Playing air guitar and singing, I smiled at George who was mindlessly tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. Glancing over at me, he shook his head with a chuckle. "You're so stupid, Y/N" he laughed as he parked the car. 

Sticking my middle finger up at him, I climbed out of the car and walked into the cafe. 

"Good morning Emma" I said cheerily as I tied my apron around myself. She gave me a smile in return as she began organising the register. Quickly walking around the cafe, I wiped the tables with a cloth and made sure that all the chairs were perfectly positioned. 

After a few minutes of doing nothing, customers began to file in. 

Emma leant forward slightly with a worried look, "the boss is coming in later" she whispered. I slammed my hand on the counter dramatically with a sigh before the pair of us bursted into a fit of giggles. 

The owner of the cafe was a very grumpy man, he would only drop by every so often but every time he would, the atmosphere of the cafe would go stale. He carried an aroma of gloom with him wherever he went and would spend most of his days screaming at people. 

The next few hours were spent trying to get the cafe spotless in an attempt to minimise the number of things that we could be scolded for when the boss arrived. I could feel my good mood crumbling with every rude customer's remark and every dirty plate that was left on the table. 

The bell above the door dinged and a shiver ran down my spine, he was here. 

As quick as I could, I ran over to the counter with the biggest smile that I could force. Running his fingers through his overly gelled hair, he pointed a finger at me and pointed to the back room with a deep scowl. I threw a cautious look at Emma before following. 

His presence alone made my palms sweat, I could feel my heart rate picking up as he stood there with a glare fixed on his expression. 

"Yesterday my cafe was completely filled with stupid teenagers asking to meet you. The entire place was trashed after I managed to shoo them off. It turns out you have a little hobby" He grimaced, my mouth fell open but I couldn't find any words to defend myself. I didn't even know how any fans could've figured out where I worked. 

"You're fired" he said coldly. 

My face began to heat up as the panic set in, the twitch money wasn't enough for me to pay half the rent at George's house and I didn't want to be a financial burden on him. Warm tears began to fall down my beetroot face as I backed away, unable to throw any words at him. 

I ran out of the cafe and rested my back against the brick wall with my phone in my hand. Pressing the call button, I heard George's voice play through my phone. All I managed to whispered was "George". 

Lowering myself to the floor, I lowered my head and watched my tears darken the pavement below me. I hated that job but it was the only thing I had, I hated not being independent. 

"Y/N!" George shouted from his car, beckoning me to climb in. I got up quickly and joined him, my tears intensifying when I saw his worried face. He sat for a whole half an hour just listening to me rant and cry whilst rubbing my back calmly with his hand. 

Once I had managed to calm down, he explained that he had something planned and began driving through the hills that were behind our house. When we reached the top, he gave me a smirk before pulling a basket from behind my seat. 

"I knew you would need cheering up so I packed us a picnic. The sun will be setting soon" he smiled before putting a strawberry in my mouth. He placed the basket in between our seats and began throwing random food items at me as I attempted to catch them in my mouth. 

The basket was filled with sandwiches and fruit and he made sure to pack my favourite drinks. We used to have picnics every weekend when we were children but as we got older, they happened few and far between. 

His proudness was painfully obvious on his face as he watched me rummage through the basket, gasping at every little detail. 

My breath hitched in my throat as I watched the warm orange blend with the misty pink that fluttered through the sky, slowly becoming darker. The thick clouds danced with the blue that had began showering the orange sky. A tear fell from my face as the sun began to disappear. 

"Beautiful" I whispered. 

"Extremely" George muttered, wiping the tear from my face. 

The next hour was spent singing along to the radio and seeing who could fit the most grapes in their mouth, obviously I won. Wrapping myself up in the blanket that George had brought, I rested my head against the car window. 

"Watching the sunset in the car was just what I needed, thank you" I said, looking at his smile in the reflection of the window. "I don't want you to ever worry about being a burden to me, even financially. I'm always willing to support you" he said, nudging my arm playfully. 

I was lucky to have him as a friend. 

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